
Is the U.S. economy diving into a depression period?

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I tend to think that it will take until after 2015 for the U.S. economy to recover from the affects of the long haul devaluation of the US dollar. The way the white house is handling situatiations seem tensed more than confident. All the sudden, gold is highjacking the sentiment too in a way.




  1. i agree with you, the depression will last some years

  2. The U.S economy is diving into a permanent breakdown. The U.S. economy relied too much on the dollar and now the dollar is losing value.

  3. I have never seen our economy this low. Every other country has more value to their dollar than we do. It is scary in a way because money is power and without power we as a country are susceptible to takeover. The government is giving every other country aid and forgetting it,s own. We have more than enough oil but it all goes to Japan. Why? Because they pay more for it than we would. Sad, but true. Our housing market and unemployment is at an all time low and personally I don,t see it getting any better in the near future. With depression comes more crime and mistrust of government policies. Kinda scary if you ask me, and I think it is only going to get worse.

  4. just because we're in a recession doesn't mean that we're in a depression necessarily. the government, thanks to the post-1930s-depression era, now has means of preventing the country from really being in a severe depression (i.e. open market operations).

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