
Is the U.S. economy experiencing a curse for not giving black people reparations?

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Is the U.S. economy experiencing a curse for not giving black people reparations?




  1. what about the american indians? they still havnt gotten their just rewards

  2. havent they got their reparations yet?  I mean, I know if i came from a war torn country where i lived in the jungle or desert and had to walk miles everyday to get fresh water and had to search for food like a lion or boar that i had to kill with a spear and there was a chance that it would kill me everytime i went hunting, and then someone wisked me away to a place where i have electricity, running water, free food (a.k.a food stamps) I sure would be happy about it and i sure wouldnt feel hurt that MAYBE one of my ancestors was a slave.    (and for future reference 20% of all slaves in America at the time of slavery were White!!!)   And try to remember that 90% of all black slaves were not beaten like you see in the movies/TV.  Actually alot of black slaves chose to stay with their masters even after they were freed.   If you ask me, black people got a pretty good deal out of the picture.

  3. Its not a curse that the US economy is experiencing, rather its because we have a selfish a*****e as president.  

    He has done so much harm to our nation.  Please take a look at this website to see what I am talking about.

    No one has the right to ***** that they are broke until they take a stance against our current government.

  4. I do not believe in voodoo or magic, so my answer is no.

    Do you believe that everyone has the ability to take control of their own financial success or failure?

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