
Is the U.S. going to intervene with Georgia and Russia?

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I've heard different things and I can't find an actual article...

I really don't think we should, our military is stretched out far enough as is..




  1. Our military should be very conspicuous in our humanitarian effort throughout Georgia.

  2. No we dont have resources or man power to fight there and Iraq and Afghanistan. Either the European nations will have to do something or maybe the UN will get off their *** and prove they might be worth something.

  3. The U.S. should realize by now that they are not the "WORLD POLICE" they believe they can do w/e they feel like because thier a so called super power but not for long due to their economic downfall and military instability, and they would not intervene because for one they FEAR Russia, and they always have since the Cold War.

  4. "NO"

  5. The US is in no position to send troops to Georgia but they are very capable of providing equipment and training to Georgia and the Ukraine. I heard Russia used ballistic missiles to attack Georgia. If that's validated, then it would give the US a great reason to install ballistic missile defenses in Georgia. And it would be a slap in the face to the Russians especially after having them installed in Poland.

    In other words, it's all politics and moving the chess pieces.

  6. No not in our interests. Domino theory doesnt exist anymore

  7. We really need to stay out of this one getting involved against Russia Militarily would be a big mistake for both of us.

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