
Is the U.S is to blamed for continuing high prices of fuel?

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Is the U.S. is to blamed for continuing high prices of fuel?




  1. Yes, we have restricted drilling and refining in our own country so that supply can't keep up.  It's only going to go higher unless we produce more of it, and soon!

  2. It matters not who you blame. Why play this game?   What's the point?

  3. blame OPEC.

  4. I blame China. They are getting richer there and all those crowds of bicycles in Chinese cities have been replaced with cars. So China is a giant new market for oil, and growing VERY fast. Faster than the supply of oil. So the price must rise. It is supply and demand.

    By the way, it isn't only oil. Steel and all kinds of raw materials are going up as China buys up the world's surplus. Steel mills that were shut down or nearly shut down in the U.S. are now running at full capacity to supply the insatiable demand in China.

  5. In so much as we probably have some of the lowest fuel prices in the world, I doubt that we can be blamed for the high prices on a global scale.

    Besides, the energy market is by and large a free market.  Prices are set by supply and demand.

  6. If a polititian can make money from it he will...of course it's a problem with government.

  7. Demand is higher than supply. so prices are increasing.

  8. no dout about it

  9. US consumption and especially the US owned oil companies, watch their quarterly reports, more record profits to come!

  10. Yes, because our greedy people in the oil stocks are filling their pockets with our grand children's future. It's not about supply and demand, mid east wars, or hurricanes, it's plain and simple greed. I can't wait for our auto makers to grow a spine and mass produce hydrogen and electric cars. My God I pray for the day just so I can watch these greedy pigs jumping from high rise windows when their market is worthless.

  11. Can you think of one way the people of the US differ from any other country?  Actually the US is made up of people from every land and every nation.  

    If you want to blame someone, (an unproductive effort)  blame yourself.  Now, go figure how to unlock the energy in a drop of water.

  12. i don't think so i believe it's from world consumption and high demand and gouging

  13. Yes. No doubt by know you have heard that the value of the dollar has decreased a lot in the past few years. That greatly affects the price of gas in dollars. Most foreign countries aren't seeing the price of oil increasing as fast simply because their currency value isn't decreasing compared to the dollar. The value of the dollar is directly linked to the US debt and trade imbalance.

    Also affecting fuel costs is the worry of what is happening in the middle east. The high tensions between US, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Venezuela are causing fears of a future oil shortage.

  14. High prices are "caused" by supply and demand, not countries, aliens, the pope or the alignment of the stars and planets.

    Good luck

  15. The High Price of Gasoline - And what to do about it!

    The true answer (though those who like to blame someone else) is: Supply and Demand. China and India's economy are developing and need more energy. China even tried to by Conoco to help secure oil stocks.

    If you are interested in making a difference, read the report at the URL, below.

  16. Don't blame the oil industry, it is you supplying the demand and the price. It isn't the countries, it is the citizens.

    It is us using cars and stealing the futures of our children. Look at the news and the vehicles on the road??? If you left 50 people in a garage with the car running, it would kill all 50 of them while they discuss whether or not this is natural.

    The atmosphere is the bigger garage, where do you think this story ends if we don't smarten up. We aren't discussing the toxicity because testing water was expensive to see the chemicals in the water.

    Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus. Click on the study done on polluted newborns. How does a brand new baby get fire retardents, mercury, banned pesticides, incinerated garbage, vehicle emissions, Teflons, etc inside them before they take their first breath?

    Mom is drinking the toxins, eating them and that means the toxins are in our global water, food, etc.

    Babies don't have the ability to protect themselves from these chemicals and older people have autoimmune problems because of the toxins.

    A doctor told me "I didn't sleep well last night when I saw the study. A fetus will be in a 911 crisis from conception with those chemicals inside them"

    All of us have to pay attention because there isn't a human in the world exempt from these toxins. (NO BOTTLED WATER ISN'T BETTER)

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