
Is the U.S. the only country that both imports and exports babies fro adoption?

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Is the U.S. the only country that both imports and exports babies fro adoption?




  1. Imports and Exports....

    Babies are not a commodity

    Oh wait yes they are in the USA it would seem, and all the other countries and now they are trying to do the same to us - Australia.

    If you are in Australia Send a letter of complaint to Deborah Lee Furness, tell her you object to her trying to force adoption on Australia


    And again babies are not to be imported and exported, thats for live stock (which is cruel too) and for food, and goods...not living human beings - thats called Trafficking

  2. Imports and exports?  I'm not sure if you're intending to offend, but that's not exactly adoption friendly language here.

    If you are asking whether the US is the only country that allows children to be adopted by foreigners as well as has citizens that adopt abroad, the answer is no.

  3. No. France does too.  However, French women are far less likely to give up their babies for adoption (cultural).  Most of these babies are from non-native french women.

  4. While I know what you mean I think you could have phrased it better.

    Yes, for some reason many Americans (and Canadians for that matter) prefer to adopt from overseas yet at the same time there are many American children who are adopted by foreign nationals.  "60 Minutes" did a piece on this a few years ago when the did a story on the relatively large number of American children being adopted by Germans, Danes and others from northern and eastern Europe.  I'll never understand it.

  5. Children are not imports or exports!

  6. No I don't think so I was reading about one place is going to stop leting us adopte from their country. But it went on to say others still could.

  7. well, given the current adoption practices in this country, i think your wording is rather accurate.

    however, we don't allow babies to be sold out of the US.  they can only be bought and kept here.

  8. Yes I think it is.  They import the one's that are 'en vogue' and export the undesirable ones.  So incredibly sad.

  9. No, it isn't. However the United States is adopting more children internationally than all of the other countries combined. 74 US born children have already been adopted to Canada this year.

    I don't find "importing and exporting" far from the truth of how I see adoption either. If people choose to see it differently, but I think its definitely honest language.

    Some countries like India, Vietnam(were) etc are promoting international adoption and market to international adoption because they make more money that way. Its definitely a business for many many agencies and people.

    Some adoptees take note to feeling like commodities and I am one of them.  When choosing things like race, country and prices which change depending on location, and race, and s*x as well as other "special needs" then there is definitely truth in relating adoptees to commodities which can be imported and exported. Saying it or not saying it and calling it something different doesn't change the reality of whats happening, in my opinion.

    Yes, its offensive, and yes it hurts to know I'm part of that group of people BUT calling it something different doesn't change the reality of the horrible industry that it is a part of.

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