
Is the UFC really that tough?

by  |  earlier

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seems to me that if they all went full force more people would be dead by now...

do you think they hold back at all?




  1. I think it depends on what you mean by "hold back".  Martial arts strikes, and chokes CAN kill a person, but in an arena like the UFC it's virtually impossible.

    Why?  The guys who fight know what they are doing.  No fighter will stand there and let his opponent load up and deliver a full force kick to the head.  They move, dodge, grapple, deflect, block.  So it is rare that a "killing blow" could even take place.  Or in the case of a choke, the choke cannot be rendered long enough to case permanent damage. And the referees' job is to make sure that if a person is not defending himself - fight is over.  

    You do see real bone breaks (Tim Sylvia is a famous one), and some serious injuries, but a good ref will keep a fight from becoming deadly.  I think that the UFC does a great job with that.  I'd rather see a fight ended short than some guy killed.


  3. Thats because they dont snap into a slim jim. Ooohhh Yeeeaahhhh

  4. It's totally hard core. I've see some brutal KO that resulted in people stiff as a board on the mat. The reason most don't de is because the fight is stopped at that point. Actually a few have died from blut force trama to the he but not in the ring. It' takes a few days.

  5. no.... plus there are rules so people dont get hurt as bad

  6. there was actually a special on i believe one of the discovery channels where they did tests to see how much force they were getting hit by, or slammed and so on and it was way more force then previously thought. they all have tough chins (most) and some of the knock outs have been devastating, i dont think they hold back, pure aggression for the most part

  7. on then do boxers kick boxers or greco roman wrestling hold back that what there using they wear gloves the on a mat i mean it just a combo of boxing kickboxing wrestling jiu jit su etc.

  8. Yes its tough but not like it used to be as its more sports and Americanised  made for tv viewing these days. $$$$$ lol

    When ufc first started in the early 90's it was extremely dangerous due to almost no rules but over the years so many rules for health and safety have been added ,including weight divisions which originally the ufc was an open weight contest, I can see where you are coming from as almost as soon as someone is on the verge of a KO the ref jumps in ,where as the first ufc in 1991 or 93 I cant remember was no rules except no eye gouges and no groin strikes everything else was allowed as to be as near to real street fighting as possible,and the ref did'nt jump in as quickly but sadly now it seems the complete opposite :(***

  9. Well a lot of it has to do with the fact that the "fighters" really are just brawlers and not true punchers and kickers.  So even if they are in great shape the are not prodicing as much force in the correct manner.  If real fighters were in there you would see more injury.

  10. thats why they have refs to stop the fight, theres no holding back, its not the WWE, they go all out, the rules are there and so is a ref to protect them and stop the fight when needed.

    IMO i think the most vicious attack must be when some1 is in  a full mount and they just drop elbows, thats gotta be the worst way to get hit in the octagon, or a flying knee must be just as brutal, but the refs there to stop the fight

  11. No they don't.  You have to remember though that much of the fighting takes place on the ground and so it is hard to get leverage, full range of motion and your hip, shoulder, and weight into a punch and have the right distance like you can in stand-up fighting.  Also there are some things that are not allowed for the safety of the fighters like downward elbow strikes, knees when a fighter is down, etc.  Recently they have also started to look at the slams and you might even see a rule like you have in wrestling where one wrestlers knee must touch the mat before or as his opponent hits the mat after being lifted and thrown.   Next time you are at the gym lay a heavy bag down on the floor and lay down next to it and see how hard you can hit it and I think you will be surprised at the difference.  Still some shots do land pretty hard sometimes even on the ground and so they step in pretty quick to stop it which is good as it helps prevent some really serious facial injuries I think especially when an opponent has been fully mounted and is taking punches from directly overhead right at arms length.

  12. oooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!

  13. I think they may hold back if told to do so by Vegas or to put on a good show for the crowd. But all in all these guys are tough as nails. The one thing I do think is that a boxer can hit harder for the fact that a boxer trains on specific punching. While a MMA fighter is doing training in all sorts of fighting styles.

  14. have you ever been in a fight, this is a sport like any other sport, you dont try to kill the guy you try to win this isnt Mortal kombat

    where the screen gets dark and someone yells, "finish him"

    no they dont hold back its just that everyones so well trained that

    if you just run at a guy and try to knock him out without using your defense than you will be the one to get knocked out.

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