
Is the UK's summer living up to your expectations this year?

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Is the UK's summer living up to your expectations this year?




  1. well there's only been about 2 days of sun, an they were really good, it's not been awful, but its not been brilliant, after last year though, my expectations were low, so its definatly lived up to my expectations, not so much my wants though

  2. Certainly is, i live in the country and have the pleasure of birds singing early most mornings, i take my dog out walking early and stroke the horses and cows, look around sun or rain and see just how beautiful our earth is, often i take a two & half hour walk to the nerest town.

    I love England, our weather is fine if you feel happy, life is what you make it.

  3. Not even remotely! I keep asking my husband if we can please move to Spain, and he keeps remnding me of the slightly inconvenient fact that neither of us speak Spanish! ;)

  4. Absolutely! I carry an umbrella, suncream and sunglasses with me at all times. It still amazes me why people moan so much about the weather in the UK when it's been changeable FOREVER.  

  5. no i live in glasgow the sun doest visit at all

  6. i just wish the weather would make up its mind. let it be sunny for at least a few weeks.its so changable day by day. at least its not such a washout yet as last year. its just so hard to plan outings not knowing if its going to be wet or dry.

  7. In Southeast  much better than last year   But I know some parts  moan  The West country for example  

    In Essex have had a lovely fortnight or more    

  8. what its summer i had no id ear

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