
Is the UK Labour Government in danger of believing it's own propaganda ?

by  |  earlier

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Improvements in Education Standards. reduction in crime, winning the war on terrorism. I can go on and on but it is 23:00 nearly and I'm going to bed




  1. I honestly believe they do. The thing is, they don't live in the real world so they don't care. They think all immigrants are hard working, law abiding, britain loving people, for example. If they spent time with one they would know the scams they are all into.

    They need to get out of London and live on an average street.

  2. New Labour politicians, along with their PC liberal do-gooder tossers are so far up each others ar$es that they believe everything they say to each other.  The spin, smoke and mirrors has gone way out of control and in the meantime, the country is rapidly going down the tubes. B-liar and Brown-nose have totally screwed up the UK. I hope that allNew Llabour voters are happy in the knowledge that they have given their children a very poor legacy - shame on you !!

  3. Labour don't believe their own propaganda.

    the majority of elected Labour members are either Fabian socialists or frankfurt school marxists. the purpose of both groups is to destabilize society through a slow process of graduation until they are able to replace the tattered remnants with their own wonderful brand of communism.

    so no, as Labour would like us to believe that they are working in our best interests, I don't believe they do believe their own propaganda as they know that ultimately they aren't.

  4. they are painfully ignorant  as to anything in he real world , cost of living /medical needs /schools/just the every day living gets harder and harder ,and what do they realy care about , nothing but there big fat wallets,there narrow minds ,they do not live in the real world at all ,they are in need of a brain scan ,as something is missing with the lot of them , its called common sence  ,!!! when oh when will they wake up !!! ,  

  5. We have got all this hype to come just before their Labour Conference!more targets for the teachers to meet.more targets for the police to meet.The list is endless.

    I know how you feel!All this propaganda is all about making people shift their focus from Labour's incompetence on the economic front  to other things.

    But unfortunately for Labour,the electorate are up to them and will be voting the incompetent political cretins out at the next General Election.

    Down with Brown!

  6. if they relay don't know how hated and detested they are, then clearly they are all deluded.

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