
Is the UK along with the Government going down hill?

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Do you think the United Kingdom along with the Government are both going down hill? I mean, we seem to have a major problem with Immigration, Yobs along with everything else thats currently happening ontop of that. I think we're losing our touch and soon we'll regret it. What do you think?




  1. I,m afraid the government are not competent to " lead the country through the economic downturn" (Mr Browns words) they have been on a spending spree with tax money and all their "reforms" don,t add up to a hill of beans as far as their outcome is concerned.I suggest we have one MP per county in the country that would concerntrate their minds on doing a decent job.

  2. Its this government that's taken the UK downhill, it will take a few years for the country to recover after the next general election. Of course that will only happen if the new government can disband the race relations industry, the PC and the human rights  quangos, and sack every legal adviser who has "the dogs must wear socks" mentality.

    The emergency service personnel and local government authorities will need de-brainwashing in PC techniques.

  3. Yes. They have become way too PC and tolerant of the Muslims who are intentionally trying to take over the government. If Obama is elected here America won't be far behind. We'll both have Shari'a Law.

  4. why do we sit back and let this happen,

    most people say how well tony Blair done

    but he`s done nothing my eyes, he fail, fail, fail,

    i think the government has cause all these problems

    and no where to turn,

    if you listen to what they say its all c**p every one of then.

    tough on crime,tough on causes of crime


    ten years on they are still saying it.

    nothing been done

  5. Yes, it's a depressing place - where even the so called "culture" is just celebrity nonsense.

  6. It always seems like we're going down-hill and we are as usual being written off by everyone.  But I know this country - this sceptic isle, the blessed heap surrounded by a sea of hissing reptiles.  

    We're on the rebound as usual.

    Chin up, chest out and march forward together as a semi-united mob for a while.  

    Back to the squabbling once we've overcome the present small setbacks etc.

  7. Speaking as someone working within government, i can say alot is changing for the better.

    Speaking as someone with common sense, its no where near enough.  Ministers don't have a clue what they are doing.  To them its just the same as any other job in the world - they don't understand that it effects us all (except the same ministers who seem to get paid a high wage, and then some, expenses and all sorts of c**p FOR NOTHING!)

  8. GOING downhill - where have you been for the last 5 years - it has GONE down the hill and rolled into the cesspit at the bottom.

  9. Mate where have you been this last decade? The country has been going downhill so fast and is entirely down to the present Labour government, with Tony Blair and Gordon brown its architects.

  10. yes!

    independence for england!

    stop giving our money to scotland & wales!

  11. It has been for the last 13 years. i pray that come the hour come the man/woman but I feel it is 3 minutes to midnight

  12. The Labour government are too reliant on the votes of ethnic minorities and the working class to do anything about immigration or the "yobs". It is too worried about offending minorities, yet does not care if it offends the rest of us in the process.

    I think we are already regretting it.

  13. I have always loved the UK and proud to be a part of it on my mothers side.Next to America its the country I love best.   I always thought of the English as one of the bravest people on earth. Now I am so, so sorry to say I am not so sure. I just read where they stopped an ad with a dog because the Muslims said to stop it. What has happened to you? It only took 10,000 British soldiers to hold all of India. I am so afraid I will read that the Muslims have taken over England and with out a fight. I hope to God I am wrong.

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