
Is the UK being taken over by illegals and drugs like the USA?

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It seems there are more and more illegals coming into the USA everyday? Are there alot of illegals in the UK? Where do they come from? Is it true that the UK is being taken over by muslims?




  1. Yes!It is!!

  2. Since the advent of the EU's "free movement of goods and labour" laws and more and more countries being allowed to join the EU, lots of people who would previously have been illegals - such as unskilled workers from poorer Eastern EU countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania etc - are now "legal".  Although this has led to a flood of unskilled labour in the job market (half of all newly created jobs apparently going to migrants) and also these people don't undergo any sort of criminal records check before they enter the UK, so we have been unknowingly importing rapists, paedophiles, drug dealers  etc etc - they aren't even properly checked when they start work, so could end up working with vulnerable people or children.

    There have been many cases of migrant setting up drugs and prostitution rings, credit-card cloning scams etc etc.  

    We do still have illegals as well - these are people from outside the EU.  Although its harder for them to come to the UK than it is for illegals to get into the US (we're an island and there's no border to hop accross) they still do come - they smuggle themselves over in the backs of lorries coming through the channel tunnel, or they come here as "Asylum Seekers" and then abscond before their case is actually heard.  Or they come on a visitor's visa and overstay, work illegally etc (I worked for a Pakistani businessman who had a whole factory full of illegal Pakistani immigrants working for him, cash in hand).  These people always seem to end up being granted the right to stay along with benefits (Welfare), free healthcare and housing (at the expense of a needy British family) - they pull the "human rights card" and say that deportation will infringe their human rights.  They usually manage to marry or have a few children with a guillable British citizen to ensure this . . .

    A lot of the Muslims we have here came here legally in the 60s and 70s, when Britain opened its doors to people from the Commonwealth.  Most integrated and settled and became hard working, decent people who contribute to the country, and whose kids are educated and westernised.  However, a minority did not and this is where extremist scumbags like Abu Hamza (who's currently about to be deported to the US to stand trial on terrorism charges - hope you give him a warm welcome, lol!) and the 7/7 bombers come in . . .

  3. If you read the Sun then yes....if you are educated then NO...the actual number of immigrants is no we are not being taken over by anyone, least of all Muslims....but of course the undeducated will argue otherwise.

  4. No. The US has not been taken over by Illegals or Drugs. If you removed every illegal from the US there would still be an enormous drug problem here. All illegal drugs do not come from Mexico no matter how much people would like to believe that, plenty of meth is manufactured in middle class neighborhoods, read the statistics on who is the biggest user of it. I doubt the UK is being taken over by Muslims.

  5. NO because the USA is the best country at being taken over by illegals and drugs.  We can't even make laws to put up a fence to keep them out or punish them for coming over illegally because of the liberals.

  6. in scotland and england there are a lot of illegals, there was already an out of control drugs market there, many foreign people are involved in that now!

    Here in belfast we dont have much of a problem with drugs since not too long ago in the past if you were found to be involved in drug dealing you would normally be shot in the knee caps and ankles or killed by paramilitaries!

    this doesnt happen so much here now and i think we will be seeing these problems in the future because the police cant control things the way the paramilitaries could, recently the chinese triads have move into the drugs game in this country, many of them may or may not be illegal as i hear the triads are also into people importing in a big way!

    The uk is not being taken over by immigrants or illegals, for the most part, people live together! Its only cetain tabloids that print stories suggesting these things or uneducated racists that go on about it

    there are a lot of people that dont speak english and that does annoy me sometimes. How do you think they would treat us scottish/irish n english people if we moved to countries like poland, russia etc and couldnt speak their language??

  7. they come from the middle east and sneak onto lorries going there from the continent, and hold a knife to the lorry driver's throat. the lorry driver is then arrested and fined for not stopping them going in. the illegal immigrant is then given welfare while allowing to go to court at taxpayer's expense, to fight to stay. they are then awarded a large amount for infringements on their human rights and given housing at the expense of a british family.

  8. Drugs are Everywhere! Being taken over no Our country is cracking down hard on people living in the uk with and ithout visa just to ensure that they are here serving the purpose they stated upon arrival.  Some slip the system  and walk in under false id and is now readily detectedby police if u have or get in trouble specially if u get stopped for a police check in a car.

  9. The UK is as least 10 years ahead of the US when it comes to illegals

  10. we're not being taken over, the countries just to accepting of letting imigrants in.It isn't a bad thing, but we need to start inforcing limits, it seems that britain in a few decades will be hardly a british country. I don't mean this in a nasty way at all, but we hardly have ny british players on our football teams for example.

    And drugs are drugs and they will always be a problem.

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