
Is the UK government spraying the public again with bacteria in chem trails? See links below.?

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  1. Probably. I heard this is suppose to happen to reduce the world population. Than again, it could just be a rumor.

  2. I knew it, and they say smoking is bad for me.

    Well it keeps those germs away!!!!!!

    I shall puff on the beaches and on the land!!!!!!!!!

    (can't in the air, they have d**n well stopped that!).

    They have got a d**n nerve!

  3. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm shocked

    Thank u for telling me that i had know idea

  4. If Saddam or Mugabe had done that can you imagine the reaction.

    Because it's our government no one complains.

    Double standards and hypocrisy come to mind.


  5. Peace and respect to you.

    No. the UK govt would end up paying for the treatment of millions of 'casualties' and it would bankrupt itself due to the NHS needing trillions more money in order to treat it's own citizens that they poisoned. I think this is total delusion and yet another unproven conspiracy theory. We have had enough wars since 1940 to try these 'experiments' (if they exist) on our 'enemies', so it makes no sense to (mass) poison our own people and weaken our own country.

  6. If its true, then where is the public outrage?

    Are we designed not to question government?

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