
Is the UK heading for a Fuel crisis?

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I applaud the truckers protesting over fuel costs. I just hope they are doing this for everyone not just themselves.

People in cars do not have the benefit of overhead cab compartments and private toiletry facilities and all the mod cons that come with these big trucks, so a lot of them can sit on the side of a road for hours on end.

Its not that car drivers dont want to get involved its just not practicle.

Isnt it about time we looked at alternative fuel remedies too?




  1. We shouldn't be heading for a crisis if we all recognise that we live on a world of finite resources and adjust our behavior and consumption accordingly

    If car drivers want to get involved then check tyre pressures, drive within the speed limit,, anticipate & slow down gently etc - but that's not going to happen, all thouse people racing down the motorway at 90mph+ in their gas guzzlers think the politicians should fix it, it's not their fault.

    We have been heading this way since we started using non-renewables with no concern about what happens when they are not there. All attempts to raise awarness, like Club of Rome, peak oil etc are totally swamped by the global industrial growth culture and supporting media helping us to consume ever more.

    We had solutions but GM took back from satisfied owners their electric cars in 2003 and crushed them

    there are alternatives and solutions out there but don't expect consumption based media to inform you. (80% of car ads are for the most polluting models)

  2. No the UK is not heading for a fuel crisis, the whole world is. Look at the news, Spain was paralysed by fuel protests last month with supermarket shelves bare, there have been fuel protests across the globe.

    You think having expensive petrol is a bind, what about third world countries who rely on cooking oil and are going hungry because they cannot afford the prices.

    The truckers protest will not do any good because governments do not control the price of oil. Oil is running out, we have taken more out of the ground than is left in and there will be none left within the next 20-40 years. Basic economics tells you that as a product becomes scarcer the price inevitably rises.

    Truckers protesting for lower fuel prices is about as ridiculous as millionaires marching down Bond St complaining at the price of diamonds!

  3. you actually dont need to go as far as to use electric. it is now possible to make a car that runs on water seriously here go to this link its a guide on how to change your car from gas to a water fueled car, step by step so that even the general public can achieve this. it will cost its says from 60 to 150 dollars.

  4. er yeah!

  5. Yes the UK is in fact the whole world is and is why we all need to do our bit and look into alernatives.

    Solar power, using vegetable oil in our cars, converting our cars to run on gas etc

  6. The whole world is heading for a fuel crisis. We're pretty much already there. It is totally time for alternatives.

  7. we need a politician to come out and just flood some money onto researching alternative fuel sources.....

    or we're going to be in a world of.....well you know...

  8. i think everywhere is to be honest...just looked over here in the US.

  9. we are because browns a douche!! truck drivers are protesting today outside his office! for lower fule cost!

  10. It is likely that in the next 30 years there will be a shortage of vehicular fuel.

    As for fuel for our homes, highly unlikely as the worlds longest undersea pipeline (1,200km), from the Ormen Lange gas field just off the Norwegian coast was constructed oer 10 years. The pipeline was due to start pumping gas to the UK in 2006, with production starting in October 2007.

    Drilling has confirmed the original estimated resources of 315 billion m³ of natural gas but since then estimates are now at close to 400 billion cubic metres.

    The Ormen Lange gas field has potential to supply 20% of the UK's gas requirements for decades to come.

    "The United Kingdom urgently needs more gas — for cooking, heating, transport and power generation, and until recently, the shortfall was becoming a matter of concern.

    But thanks to the Langeled pipeline, new gas supplies are already arriving from the North Sea — and more are on their way."

    There will likely be a crisis when people cannot afford to pay for fuel, but these changes in prices, particularly of Oil, are due to speculation. Many things can affect the price of oil, if Iraqi oil production increases and there is little decrease in the cost of a barrel then questions should be asked about the way oil prices are set.

  11. no, the world is.

    with the rise of fuel prices come the rise of commodity prices, service prices, and everything.

    I personally am sick and tired of this green band wagon. everyone is eco friendly this, eco friendly that. eco friendly everything have been around ever since. why are they just "considering" them now?

  12. mmm it is indeed!

    fossil fuels are running out fast...we need to sort it out!

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