
Is the UK taking a tough line against the oppression of Tibet and the Chinese people by China's dictators?

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Is the UK taking a tough line against the oppression of Tibet and the Chinese people by China's dictators?




  1. Unfortunately no, they are not. They seem to pay lip service to human rights abuses, but draw the line at taking any positive actions.

  2. I hope not.  It is none of our business to get involved in some body's else's problem.  Do you want entire chinese population to come to Britain as refugees?  this is what happens when we meddle into some body's country and ruin their economy.

    Grow up baby.  Yahoo knows a thing or two how to cooperate with the Chinese.  Yahoo is helping the chinese govt to censor some sensitive sites!

  3. No, our leaders are too spineless and self interested to do more than make a token gesture.

  4. Oh don't be silly, there is even ministers from the same party of one that said they were evil that has his bags packed and is ready to get to Dublin Airport to head out for the opening ceremony. That is the Green party for you they say something and the other boys cannot remember what it was two hours later.  

  5. Only if the phrase "take a tough line" means bending over and spreading your cheeks.

  6. not tough enough.

  7. No - we are just posturing and pontificating like usual - it isn't really our business.  

  8. Dont be ridiculous.

    The UK GOVERNMENT couldn't care less about Tibet. They only care about America and the illegal occupation of Iraq.

  9. The UK government stand up to China... ha ha ha ha ha ha

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