
Is the UN a viable organization worth what we pay for it years after year?

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  1. The UN is an unviable corrupt organisation in the hands of the worlds most corrupt dictatorships. The US and other righteous Western nations should not support it financially or morally.

  2. No The only thing it is good for is lining the pockets of corrupt politicians from the 3ed. world countries.

  3. Any organization is only as good as the people that run it. The concept of the UN is good, it has been poorly executed and gone way out of control with those lobby groups.   When there is a new leader, maybe that will improve the situation.  So far it has been a expensive endeavor with little to no results.  

    Thank for the link...I was flabberghasted at the cost of US makes me think nothing will change so lets not pay those 800 million dues in arears and get ourselves booted out the door.  It's a way out.    Then, we may entertain the idea of free health care for all.


  4. h**l no. We should withdraw.

  5. LOL!!  You're kidding right?

    The UN is as worthless as tìts on a boar hog.

  6. No. If funding for the U.N. was on a national ballot, it would lose. I don't know anyone that thinks the U.S. should pay about 90% of the cost of the U.N. Any time they want money for any disaster, it is the Americans that give them the money. Enough is enough. We hear on the liberal bias media all the time how all the countries of the world hate us. Why should American taxpayers send our money over to them then? Then ask how much they liked us previously.

  7. The United Nations is a futile organization and only serves the interests of the US as the primary contributor to its operations.

  8. No. First of all, how is it a good idea to bring representitives from every extreme to come to common conclusions? It is a liberal fantasy that this would ever work. Secondly, they meet, in America nonetheless, and team together to bash us. Even though we've been the primary peacekeeper since the end of WWII, they don't see our methods as practical. We're pissing in the wind whenever we bring our ideas to them. We need to leave this organization. It won't last very long without us.

  9. First off, I will say that I am very critical of the UN both as a concept and as an organization.  However, if this sampling of answers is any indication, I think a lot of people overlook the good that the UN does accomplish.  

    The biggest thing to keep in mind is that the UN is much more than the general assembly (that big room where all the delegates argue for hours on end).  It also includes organizations such as UNICEF, the World Health Organization, UNHCR (the organization that takes care of refugees), UNAIDS (the anti-HIV task force of the UN), and countless other international aid organizations that deal with things such as the environment and human trafficking.  Each one of them could be singled out as having flaws (I'm a huge critic of UNICEF myself), but that ignores the fact that they do a lot of critical work that individual nations do not take part in.  If you think Darfur is bad now, imagine no international body taking care of the refugees from that crisis.

    Even the general assembly serves a purpose.  If nothing else, it provides a forum for nations to talk to one another. Before WWII there were countless conflicts that may have been averted if such a forum existed.  Beyond that, there is a need for nations to discuss things.

    I agree that without the teeth to enforce decsions beyond a security council veto that the UN is deeply flawed.  But while we can argue what is the best way to structure it, at the end of the day there has to be some sort of international organization that can provide the services the UN does.

    Finally, I will point out that the article to which you refer has to do with back dues accrued because the US had not paid in many, many years.  Even if the US pays more than any other country (we are, after all, the richest), we are the worst at paying.  It was only when the UN threatened to take away our spot on the security council, did we actually pay what we had agreed to pay.

  10. UN is  mostly worthless extremely corrupt and a joke. Look up the members for human rights.

  11. The UN is a good for nothing organization.

  12. I'm not real sure what the UN IS good for.

    What have they done for us?

    I'm not trying to be sarcastic,

    I seriously do not know, but I haven't heard of anything


  13. No. They hate America almost as much as the liberals do.

  14. Besides paying dues what about Global Warming and how Human Supremacist beliefs impact The United Nations and Peacekeeping. To really ensure peace The U.N. should adress this issue. Human Supremacy is defined by belief everything is for human profit which sounds like motivation of choices at U.N. It would be worth it if people were to demand it do it's job crack down on Human Supremacists get some people in to give it teeth.If everyone wants to survive they better give it ,other nations, and humanity one big kick in the *** or maybe someone will come over there a give them a big kick in the *** if repeated contacts fail to get results.

  15. The U.N. is no value to the U.S.---it is a place for other nations to meet to plan against our Nation.----and we are paying most of the bill.-----"Get the U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S.

  16. Simply put; the UN legitimizes all the actions, crimes, and "democratizations" committed by those who pay its budget. lol.

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