
Is the US Government good or bad for the people?

by Guest21211  |  earlier

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Well i gotta do a school assignment (im from New Zealand by the way) and one of my questions is: Is the US government good or bad for the people?

please give a reason why you think what you think.

Thank You




  1. Well... in my opinion, I think they're terrorists!!! Why? Because they go to places, they bomb the **** out of them, kill innocent people and when they come back home, people call them "heroes"! So does it make them anything less than a terrorist??

    Anyways, back to your question... it's really both good and bad!!

    Good because thanks to them, most of the countries are not fighting with each other, EG: Taiwan and China.

    Bad because they point their nose into every country's business, I mean Russia and the other country are fighting at a moment if you watch TV, I heard that the US are sending troops over there and it's not even their business!!

    They said that Russia right now is not like Russia decades ago, they can't attack any countries whenever they want. But hello, look who's talking??? The US sent their troops to Afghanistan and it's an "illegal war" (I know it sounds weird but it's true!) and they're sending troops to Russia or something like that, it's just ridiculous, isn't it??

    Yeh I know... I'm not a big fan of the US government!! Oh and by the way, I know so much because I do international studies


  2. Good. generally.

    Without government we would have no roads or police officers and no legal protection from those who are out to cheat us.

    Without government we would have no military, and quickly be overrun by other nations seeking to annex our country. The US government has given us a powerful standing in the rest of the world.

    However, there are some problems with our government.

    -We pay taxes. People hate paying taxes.

    -The highway system is failing. Some roads are poorly-kept, and many bridges are flawed.

    -Public transportation is a joke. Compared to driving, it is expensive and widely unavailable.

    -There are many people living in this country who are not supposed to legally be here. There are parts of the country where you will have problems being understood if you do not speak Spanish.

    -Our program for the elderly (social security) is having money problems. Many older people have problems living on the paychecks they get. And many younger people expect that it won't be there when it's time for them to retire.

    -The government is generally uninvolved in healthcare. Healthcare has become very expensive, and some Americans cannot afford to go to the doctor. (While everyone is guaranteed care, not being able to pay for it means you may lose your house.)

    -The government is generally uninvolved in higher education. It is also very expensive, and many American families have problems paying for their children to go to college.

    -The school system for ages five to eighteen has equality problems. In most parts of the country, schools get their money from taxes on home ownership. In areas where people largely rent (because they are poor), schools have less money and their children don't do as well. This results in children from poorer families being less-educated than children from richer ones.

    -America has a hands-off approach to economic problems. This generally works well, but now the people are having problems paying for gasoline (petrol) and home heating oil. The government generally refuses to subsize public transportation to the level it is in other countries and doesn't subsidize home heating oil (most homes still use oil) at all, so Americans have few options.

    -American also has a hands-off approach to environmental problems. Indrustrial pollution isn't regulated very highly, and the tax breaks for clean energy and hybrid cars are small compared to the increased cost of purchasing.

    -Cosmetic products are unregulated. If someone is immediately injured by a cosmetic, they can sue, but long-term carcinogenic ingredients are widely used.

    There is also a fundamental divide in Americans on how to fix these problems. About half of Americans are Republicans and about half are Democrats. This leads to problems selecting representatives. When there is a Republican president, the Democrats are angry, and when there is a Democratic president, the Republicans are angry.

  3. For me US Government is very good for the people of USA and for the people of the world at large. It is a very powerful and transparent democracy and most powerful country in the world. All the countries whether socialist or capitalist group wants to appease USA and an appreciation by US president or achieving any US standard is great thing for them. There nothing above US Standard in the world. Made in USA materials are quality materials, why? Because it is No.1 in the world. Socialists and Communists would say USA is imperialists, World policing, political hegimonysm etc, but still they all try to get recognition or pat from US Government or any of its Committee/body. There it goes to say that US Government is good, because it's system is very good, technological advancement is good, democratic right of people is very great.  

  4. Winston Churchill is quotes as saying that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

    The US Government is not as good to its people as it could be becuase we spend so much time responding to world events.  We spend significantly more on national defense than European countries who decide to spend their money on their people on programs such as pensions, education, etc.

    That said, if we did not spend so much money on defense, who would respond to world events?

  5. Limited government is good .Our government is bad .Its adverse every principle of our constitution .It is corrupt and implementing the very same tactics of a dictatorship on the people as Hitler did .By controlling and brain washing the people by controlling corporate  media .By controlling the media you control what people think . Judges and legislators violate the constitution and the oath they swore to support .While passing unconstitutional laws that victimize and imprison the people .They have turned our people into slaves .Slavery - to be controlled by an outside force .They control what we can put in our bodies .They control what we can do on the property we own .They take what the want from our labor .Some people now pay over 50 % of their wages in taxes .If we refuse to pay it they imprison us to be slaves to a greater extent. If its not slavery when is it when they take 75 or 85 or 90 % of our labor .Our birth certificates are put in a trust fund by the federal government .Which it uses to receive credit for debt on every citizen .You cant put some thing up for collateral to secure credit if you dont own it  .The right to buy or sell slaves is called chattel slavery.Government tells property owners they cant let people smoke in their business .Obviously you do not own it if some one else tells you what people can do on your land. This is the first time in the history of our nation we has declared war on anything that wasn't a country or government .Declaring a war on terrorism revokes the rights of the people under the guise of national security .But there will always be some one you can label a terrorist some where in the world. The rights of the people gone forever because its a war that will never end . This administration has destroyed liberty and freedom and brought America to inevitable destruction and collapse . Forcing our people to be oppressed and suffer  the tyranny of a corrupt dictator . People are so blinded by the corporate media they refuse to see it .Government has built internment camps across the nation exactly like the ones of n**i Germany that will hold millions of people. I can talk all day and people refuse to see or listen .We invaded Iraq on lies for corporate  oil . After 911 linked to our government and used to justify invading  Iraq killing a million people with missiles and bombs loaded with spent nuclear wastes. Lying stating Sadam was a threat to our country .After Sadam was removed we invented Alkaida to justify staying .Violating the laws of the Genieva convention on torture .That America had developed in the name of honor of prisoners of war

  6. I'm no world leader and never will be, however if i were in the position to do so i would advise the American Government to mind their own business in a number of matters particularly in Europe (Russia, S. Ossetia, Serbia and Kosovo). Surely making as many enemies as they are doing during the current presidency has to be a bad thing. Despite being the worlds 'Super Power' waking up one day to find all of the worlds armed forces a their doorstep, they wouldn't stand a chance.

    Americans are tarred by the actions of their Government which is very unfortunate.

    America is a great country with so much to offer who have done so much, I just wish they would not be so abrupt and keep their values and ideas to themselves until they are asked for them.

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