
Is the US Political system a farce?

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Al Gore got more votes than Bush and he loses.

There can only be a president from 2 parties.

If you vote Democratic, the Democratic selector can vote for the Republican candidate.




  1. From where I live (Australia), US politics seems like its all about big conventions with music and candidates using cheesy "uniting" speeches to cover up their underlying bitterness and hatred for each other.

  2. If it ever happens the other way around, the Liberals will sit on their hands. The farce is that a government controlled economy and life will be an improvement. NY State operates that way and we spend the most on education and programs and rank 48th in education and have the 2nd highest poverty rate. The liberals have somehow convinced the unions in this state that it's someone Else's fault despite operating like this for 40+ years. Same Liberal professors who make over 100K, have the best health care plan in the country (including plastic surgery), and are paid a pension based on the last 3 years of employment (age 55!!!). That pension is worth MILLIONS. Ask a financial planner. These people are out of their minds with rhetoric. They take care of themselves just like every other government entity.

  3. Of course its farce.

    US trying yo said that US political system is a "democratic". But, in fact - no direct President elections, where President is elected by majority of voices of all electors.

    Also - only two political parties. Many key positions are hold for years by same people, regardless of win or loss one or another political party. For example - head of Federal Reserve System Alan Greenspan being on this position about 20 years. Its unable in countries with REAL democracy where rotation of vacancies have place after one political party loose to another.

  4. Read up on the electoral college.  No it is not a farce.  It keeps us free.  

  5. :)

  6. yes but not because of the electoral college. but because the repb. and the dems. conspire to keep all others out and they can take turns ripping us off..

  7. What i want to know is why it goes on for ever.?

  8. Somewhat but it probably is one of the best in the world, scary huh?

  9. All political systems may be viewed as farcical, if you like.  The US has a typical representative system.

  10. I back you up completely!

    But what do we do, how can we change it?

  11. Vice President Gore lost because he lost more states.

    We have more than two political parties.  Let one that is not Democrat or Republican come up with better ideas.

    Your last complaint is called freedom of choice.

  12. Did you skip civics class?


  13. No its graduated from farce to tragedy.

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