
Is the US army Alpha Black paintball gun any good?

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When they guy showed it to me at the store it was plastic and he said it jams alot but online I got alot of positive feedback about it and freinds says its c**p(non have had on) is it any good?




  1. Great gun, its just a 98 custom in a different shell, its not plastic, its all aluminum (besides the mag and stuff), but its very reliable and doesnt jam at all.

  2. I think they're pretty good. To solve the jamming problem all you have to buy a anti-chop bolt and you should be good. Tippmann's are usually very reliable.

  3. My friend wants to know the same exact thing i dont do paintball that much i have played maybe 2 or 3 times with my cousin he just bought that gun and he let me shoot for a little bit it did jam once tho but it was easy to fix but if i were you i would get a tippman or spyder they are very good

  4. Tactical paintball guns are really not a good deal unless you want it to be like real war they weigh about 40 pounds which can get really heavy if you are playing like speedball i would try getting a spyder.

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