
Is the US economy heading for a recession?

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If so when will it hit?




  1. technically, you guys are already in recession lol.

  2. Welcome to the beginning of the recession..

  3. Yeah that recesion might hit canada, thank god our dollar isn't unless, and we still have c**p loads of oil left.

  4. not quite, and if you are going by the books, then no, we are NOT in a recession. the markets should start picking back up by the end of next year =)

    The standard newspaper definition of a recession is a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters.

    This has not happened yet, not even by a couple points!

    We all just gotta keep working hard and eventually the pace of things will pick back up, God bless America!!! =)

  5. 75% of Americans believe we are in a recession.

    The IMF predicts that American economic growth will be 0.5% in 2008 and 0.6% in 2009. Not technically a recession, but Europe is leaving us in the dust for at least two years.

  6. Read today's USA TODAY. We are now officially in a recession.

  7. According to a Newsweek issue I read a couple of weeks ago, the US is already in a recession (that's why the price of food is going up and people are getting tax refunds). However, the article was still optimistic in saying that the current recession would probably be not as bad as the previous major ones.

  8. Kelsie, Dave, Theyguy, Aleah and Christina are all drinking the liberal press KoolAid. We are not in a recession. A recession is defined as at least two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. So far we've had exactly 0 (zero) quarters of negative economic growth. We haven't even had a single month as the last month reported (May) showed slight growth. The liberal media has convinced many Americans who know little about economics that we are in one in an effort to get their boy elected President. You want to see a real recession, go back to the mess that Jimmy Carter got us into. We had 18% mortgages, 10% unemployment, 12% inflation and very real and negative economic growth. Today we have 6% mortgages, 5.5% unemployment, 3-4% inflation and economic GROWTH even if it is small. The problem with those who forget history is that they are doomed to repeat it which is what we'll do if Obama is elected. The second term that Jimmy Carter never got. The worst President in the last 50 years. Obama with his promise to increase income taxes, taxes on every form of investment, taxes on oil, nationalized health insurance, caps on carbon emmissions (forcing manufacturing and jobs overseas), and other socialists agenda items promise to take us well beyond the mess Jimmy Carter left us.

  9. If this isn't a recession it will do just fine until something worse comes along.

  10. the second bush leaves the  white house the republicans will declare it a recession. NO only joking , we are really already in one

  11. Uh...where have you been?    People are losing their homes and jobs a lot more now!  We aren't just in a recession, I believe we are headed for a depression too.

  12. we are already in one

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