
Is the US economy in trouble?

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I see the dollar erroding in value, cost of living rising but people are still working, eating out & spending.. Is the economy in trouble or just just in a cyclical downturn?




  1. when the salaries do not compensate the devaluation of the $ the buying power  just fades into oblivion .. If you  notice  except for a few, most  have lost  more then 80% of the buying power  that we had let's say  ...before the invasion of Iraq  twice.. people are still buying   .. But if you look closely  most of the (purchesses)

    are on credit , and most are into dept over their heads ...  so Yes the economy of the US  is near at a depression level ... People are working just  to be paying off all that was bought on credit ...BUT  the $ isn't worth what it used to worth . and people (US)  are working for 20% what it used to worth .. So banks will fold too  .. in short  (we are in deep ****, we just don't know when all that **** will be over our heads and makes us drown in it ) Maybe just maybe  it wasn't such a good idea  invading the middle east .. it is costing  Trillions of dollars that could have gone into rejuvenating  the economy .. well so much for my thoughts on it ... What do you think ? am I wrong ?

    anyway be well  and Good luck ...

  2. yes, i'm sorry, and not also us economy but also europe's economy. a big change we need in economy in the next two years

  3. Yes

  4. Of course the U.S. economy is in trouble. The price of everything is going up, mortgages are going into forclosure left and right, unemployment is high, and for the first time in history, the U.S. dollar is worth less than the Canadian dollar. Add to this the fact that wage averages haven't been increasing at anywhere near the level of inflation, and we have a true recipe for disaster.

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