
Is the US full of sour grapes at the Olympics?

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When the States don't win an event, they call shenanigans. What's up with that? There was one report where they interviewed a facial forensics expert. Come on now!




  1. No more than China is paranoid about demonstrators.;_y...

  2. we're not the only ones that are sour grapes. Bolt was pretty kool though.

  3. sour grapes is wine... so yes... we are all full of wine.. I'm working on my second box right now... and don't hate because we're taking all the medals. If you want sour grapes.. look at the swedish wrestler.. someone should call the wah-mbulance

  4. Maybe all the American tourists should stop visiting your country so you can lose out on all those vacationers dollars they spend there. That might improve your attitude.  

  5. that's everyone, not just us, and it's more-so the people doing the commentary!

  6. whatever. 95 medals and counting. your country won't win that many in the next 10 olympics combined

  7. i cant wait for the olympics to be over so you people asking this question might be able to get on with your pathetic little lives and find a job.move out of dads basement already

  8. 1. China is NOT real a communist state!

    2. USA is still topping the Bronze Medal Table!

  9. Hello! Everyone ******* cries when they lose at the olympics because for many it's their only olympics, you would cry as well if you trained so hard to get nowhere. The athletes are thinking individually, They don't care how much medals the US has as a whole! They want to take something they can call theirs.

    For Example: The US cried when they lost to Japan for softball Gold (last year of softball) but so did Brazil when they lost to the US in women's soccer for gold as well.

    It's not just us. Pay a little less attention to the US and start cheering for your team!

  10. Well the USA has been fed with propaganda like communists are g*y and stuff so when they lose to china, they blame them for cheating.

  11. Because nobody beats the US unless they cheat.


  12. I thought it was just me! So many crybabies this year!!

  13. Quit living up to your screen name.

    I have yet to hear of any of the American equestrian team complain that they only got gold in team jumping.  Or of any of the American fencers complaining that they've only won one gold.  Come to think of it, in every interview I've seen with an American athlete, they all seem thrilled when they've medaled no matter what color it is.

    So maybe it's just you.

  14. A few do and gives us a bad reputation

  15. The Americans have excelled in some events and been let down in others. when you are used to winning your entitled to feel let down and voice that frustration. But the one thing to remember America comes back stronger when defeated. China will be lucky to finish in 3rd place in 2012. America, Australia, Uk, and Russia will be much stronger with impartial judges.  

  16. First of all you need to stop making isolated incidents sound like the norm.  The U.S. does not claim another country cheated every time they do not medal or get gold in an event.  It is not an accusation to state an obvious observation, such as when a Russian gymnast has a great performance on the balance beam but still gets beat by a Chinese gymnast who falls off.  Second, stop being so naive.  China did cheat, at least once.  Read the article below.  

  17. They were humiliated in front of the entire world. The US is not known for its humility.

    Maybe all the American tourists should stop visiting your country so you can lose out on all those vacationers dollars they spend there. That might improve your attitude


    Jamaica relies more on tourism from europe beside the US is not worth much anymore.  The 80's are over.

  18. How many medals does your country have?

    Thought so....

    LOL a whopping 9 medals

    We had that in the first 3 hours.

    But if it makes you feel good, go you!

  19. I don't think that's it at all. I think when the US sees someone obviously and blatantly breaking the rules, they point it out. I've seen the UK, as well as a handful of other nations (who lost a medal to the underage-Chinese gymnasts too) also get quite vocal about the situation in gymnastics the last several days, as an indisputable pile of evidence is mounting. Fact is, any country that isn't outraged by this clear case of state-sponsored cheating, obviously doesn't care much about the integrity and spirit of 'sport' in general.

    Saying it is just 'sour grapes' is just an easy way for lazy people to avoid the issue that would still exist even if the US didn't even bring a gymnastics team.  

  20. The United States already made nearly a hundred medals. They need to be happy for those, instead of focusing on how many they have missed.

    We should all count our blessings.

  21. some r

  22. Yep the chinese cheated, the smog effected the yanks performance, the judges were unfair, blah blah blah.

    It's so funny because the entire world gangs up on the US, especially since the judges were of any nationality BUT chinese.  Personally I wouldn't bring up the age matter anymore because it's embarrassing enough to be beaten by kids who haven't even properly developed muscles.

  23. sour grapes, apples and oranges. they hate to lose and when they lose its called an "upset". according to them the chinese are underage and bolt is on steriods, whats next

  24. Oh yeah they don't like to lose especially to the communists

    To joe t good riddance please stay away

  25. In a way yes because we expect to win Gold, not just medal.  

  26. I agree with Slykchyk, we really do need to count our blessings. We are doing really great! There is nothing to be ashamed of.

    I agree with Jon also, people really need to focus on their countries and stop worrying about ours.

    TEAM USA!!!

  27. Yes, and they are making us americans look bad.  Now I feel like just moving to canada, the little america.  Just look at this

    USA just have to win softball and they didn't and not happy with silver.  This isn’t how it was supposed to end as they say.

  28. What is it like to wake up every morning and wonder if you are as good as an American?

    It must really suck to have such low self esteem.

    Edit; Actually Dramaqueen, I live in Switzerland and I do more than fine, thank you.

    My comment must have really hit home if you are canadian.

    Edit; I was talking about the Olympics. Did it mean more to you?

  29. How many metals does your country have to date?

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