
Is the US getting poor and vulnerable?

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Is the US getting poor and vulnerable?




  1. Personally, no!

    My husband has a job that pays really well, and isn't in jeopardy. My own job, I am doing pretty well. We haven't personally changed any of our spending habits. We are very good savers, so the gas prices and grocery prices haven't really affected us at all.

    As far as the entire country, I can not speak to that! I think as a country people are in the bad habit of buying things they can not afford, and putting it on a credit card. Instead of paying off the balance when it comes along, they make the minimum payment and pay interest. In general the US people are always wanting more than they can have! A bigger house, a nicer car, and always something newer! They are worried about outdoing others with a bigger and better wedding, or their kids being the best dressed.

    I think people need to stop the bleeding and buy what you can afford. Use credit cards to your own advantage! We put things on the credit card, then pay it off each month. In the meantime, our own money is in our checking account earning 5.01% interest rate for an extra 30 days or so, and we are getting rewards cash back for using the credit cards. It's because of people paying interest, and late fees, and over limit fees that people like me get so many bonuses!  

  2. It's weakening yes. And depending on the outcome of this next election, it could get much weaker.

    The choice, though it weather we want it drastically weaker, or just a little bit weaker, cause there really isn't one save-the-country candidate.

  3. Yes and yes.

    We have been in a recession for some time now. That's one of the big reasons that fuel prices are so exorbitant. Oil is currently traded with the US Dollar, since the value of it has declined so much, the price of a barrel of oil goes up to reflect its diminishing value. If OPEC decided to begin trading oil with the Euro instead of the dollar America could turn into a third world nation almost overnight.

    We are vulnerable. We have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places throughout the world and no conscription (mandatory military service). One more war ignites and that would probably change.  

  4. ok so i am foreign... and us dollar used to be like maybe ten years ago like maybe 50 of my 10 years later it like not even 20!

    so that means america is in a deep ****! and america's economy is really going down! wich iis sad!


    or america is gonna end up being poor as AFRICA!

  5. Yeah the rest of us love it ; )

    Enjoy life belooooowwww.


  6. dunno

  7. Well, the foreclosures are mostly from 100% financed homes. These people should have never been given these loans in the first place, any change in the payment and boom they are in foreclosure. The government encouraged these types of loans, so now we are facing the fruits of gov intervention.

    The huge social welfare programs have caused most of our current problems. We can't keep giving money away and expect the economy to get better.

  8. If you mean "is the U.S going into a recession" yes....

    well, its actually IN a recession right now, perfect examples should be the high price of gas, groceries, and the fact that everybody and their mother are having their mortgages reposessed and houses forclosed on...

  9. it looks like it, we are really rolling the dice with this election.


    Jai Bhagavan

  11. yes and no for many reasons.

  12. some country's in african have stronger currencies than america now.

  13. Yes, The US is so far in debt it would take monumental changes to get out of it- everything is based on credit and imaginary money.

    Having no money makes the country vulnerable. All the bad "relationships" the US has increases vulnerability as well, good choices may not always be made by the government because it's all about the here and now and the rich getting richer. We are "a sitting duck".

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