
Is the US government a Democracy or a Republic?

by Guest62260  |  earlier

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Is the US government a Democracy or a Republic?




  1. It is a a representative democracy

  2. It is a Democratic Republic


  3. A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. In a constitutional republic, the sheep is armed. :=)

  4. Our Constitution established this country as a Representative Democracy within a Republic. The word 'democracy' doesn't even appear in the Constitution. Now having said that, the bankrupt theory that our Constitution is a 'living document' which must be modified to to meet today's challenges is indeed being used to promote democracy. Before the 17th Amendment was passed, Senators were appointed by the Legislatures of the States rather than elected by the people. Because they were political appointees they could be 'Elder Statesmen [women]' and could be objective in the consideration of Bills. In theory, no lobbyists of PACs could bribe them and if they tried..... Now, since the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators are beholding to the fickle whims of the people whose vote they must get to be re-elected: a necessarily degenerate Democracy! The lobbyists and PACs offer buckets of money to help them get that vote! Democracy is always degenerate because people vote to support their own motivated self interest or what the demagogue, lobbyist or PAC of the minute has convinced them is their motivated self interest and so is reduced to its lowest common denominator! Democracy is a necessarily degenerate form of government that inevitably reduces itself to the lowest common denominator ie. 'Mob Rule'. Our country was designed and intended as a Republic back in 1787and it is the residue of that Republic that has allowed us to last this long....

  5. It is a representative Republic.

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