
Is the US losing the war on drugs?

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Is the US losing the war on drugs?




  1. The prison-industrial complex is winning the War on Some Drugs just fine.  It's a great jobs program for cops, judges, prison guards, etc.

    Is the Constitution losing the WOSD?  Yes.

    Are Americans any more clean and sober because of the WOSD?  h**l to the no.

  2. 'the war on' framework has always been a misdirection.

    a political con.

    its permitted a range of really bad foreign  policies and very expensive domestic policies.

    'the war on' frame permits governments to escape the usual rules of a democratic society in the name of something so fearful  that transparency, accountability can be by passed

    there needs to be a war on 'the war on' framework'

  3. cnralph LMAO

    What do you mean LOSING?  Long since lost!

    Too many ways to get drugs, too many leftie judges and magistrates, no really effective police powers to crack down on dealers, too many apologists excusing the dealers and users........need I go on?

  4. nah, it's winning it, considering that government agencies (notably the CIA) have been involved in the drug trade for decades. The phony effort is accomplishing just what they want it to.

    Laugh if you want. But I can post all kinds of evidence.

    Drug war my butt.

  5. I'm sorry, had to put my bong down.  What were you saying?

  6. Let the truth be told

    There is a whole industry based on making drugs illegal. The "war on drugs" is just an illusion. There are far too many interests involved.

    That includes

    the police (more funding)

    the justice sistem (more cases = more money for lawyer, judges, etc).

    Cleaning clinics

    Metadone clinics

    The drug dealers. Making drug illegal raises the prices.

    Its a multi billion dollar industry, plus it gets the state an excuse for having a bigger police force to control us. Plus it makes people have fear on criminality wich in turn makes the people more docile to any abuse coming from the state.

    In other words, the war on drugs will never be won, because the state does not want it to be won in the first place.

    The solution is simple but not popular because of the brainwashing done by the media and government.

    Legalize it.

    That is right, Legalize it. When was the last time you saw a drunk person asault someone to get a drink? Remember the fiasco of making alchohol illegal and how it raised criminality? Well the same goes for drugs. Its stupid and it only support totalitarism.

  7. Oh yeah. I think most of it has to do with the fact that lawmakers don't really want to solve the problem. Instead of putting up a wall to keep people coming into the country, why aren't they doing more with those flying in and delivering the goods?

  8. War on drugs?  There is no war.  Certainly not declared in reality by any kind of American governmental agency...there is just too much money to be made.

    And if they REALLY wanted to win it, they would focus on the 'demand' side of the equation...cause if there was no demand for drugs in America, then the suppliers would just go somewhere else.

  9. The only way to truly win this war is to legalize all drugs. That will take away nearly all of the crime and profit involved in the drug trade and empty out the prisons so violent offenders will have to serve their entire terms instead of being released early to make room for non-violent drug offenders.

    It has often been said that this is really a war on poor people and minorities. They get harsher penalities for the same drug offenses committed by rich white people. An example of that is the preferential treatment of celebrity drug offenders, even if they are repeat offenders. I recall reading that a young female starlet, who has been in the news quite often lately due to her various antics, got only an hour in prison. If a poor minority had committed even a fraction of the offenses she has racked up in recent years, that person would be pretty much put away for life.

  10. "The war on drugs is waged by rich people who abuse prescription drugs against poor people who abuse street drugs."

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