
Is the US military a paper tiger?

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We seem to pick on small countries. The US Army has never defeated a nation its own size without help. Look back at history.

Iraq II... still fighting

Iraq I.... beat a third class army with lots of help

Vietnam Lost

Korea Draw

WWII. Needed LOTS of help from Soviet Union, UK, Canada, Australia, et al

WWI Late to the fight and made little difference

Spain 1898 Not a fair fight

Civil War. Took four years to defeat the South

Mexican war. As close to a fair fight ever and it was not that clear





  1. They are.

    All you do is pick on countries who have no real means of attacking back! Even then you struggle without help!

    Again, as this site is mainly visited by americans, you and I will both be shunned.

    It is good you have seen your army for what it is though, all you need to do now is atry and fix it. You have the man power, now you need the training...

  2. You have a point.

  3. NO Nation in it's right mind goes to War alone!!!


  4. its 100x easier to defend something then attack it. Especially if you are familiar with your environment and the attackers are not. Iraq, vietnam, korea are all very different environments we are not used to. the world wars were WORLD WARS which means a couple countries were on the n**i side so a couple countries had to be on the allied side in order to hold up. the civil war was us vs us which meant that fighting was almost even

  5. A paper tiger? We didn't lose Vietnam in military terms, if anything it was the politicians at home that caused us to leave. And we made a huge difference in WWI, before we came it was a deadlock, and when the Marines came in, things started going for the Allied powers.  

  6. we beat the british in the revolutionary war and they were the world power. how was the korean war a draw? theres a north and south korea thats how we can tell we won or else it would have been just one communist korea. and what the h**l did our allies do in the first gulf war? absolutely nothing. we were facing the 6th largest military at the time with barely any help no matter how much u insist on it. why would we go to war on our own if we could accomplish more with allies? then i guess all countries are paper tigers...

  7. you really need to do your research, you are way off

  8. The US military is worse than a paper tiger,it's incompetent.The Navy shoots down civilian airliners and one of its aircraft carriers rams a Russian sub it didn't even know was there.The Air Force is commanded by Doctor Strangelove and unknowingly loads nuclear bombs on B52s and sends nuclear fuses and nose cones to Taiwan.The Army and Marine Corps have been unable to occupy Iraq successfully after five years of trying.The Army's elite Delta Force was unable to rescue American hostages in Iran,running away and crashing their aircraft into each other after a busload of Iranian civilians discovered their staging base.The taxpayers unload hundreds of billions of dollars on the military establishment each year.We would be better served to rent some other country's armed forces.  

  9. When the h**l is war ever fair? It’s not a chess game where both sides are equal. That’s not reality.

    Do you expect our armed forces to be some kind of Rambo-style army that goes in alone without any allies just to prove it’s bada**?

  10. here's the problem.......we do it all wrong.......

    first we need to round up the press and execute all of them.....

    then we need to kill everything that breathes within the boarders of our enemies.......from womb to tomb........

  11. No.

    The Iraq wars are over, currently in the pacification phase. UN sanctioned

    Viet Nam - not a war, didn't lose, simply stopped. The US was only part of the UN sanctioned forces in country

    Korea conflict - every body knows that. UN sanctioned.

    WW II - The other Allies could not have won without us, look up the stats.

    WW I - You got 1 right.

    At this time, and since WW II, there have been no other nations with the military power to match ours, with the exception of the USSR. The USSR no longer exists.

  12. Iraq War- Still fight? Its already over. We're just there to help restore their government.

    Persian Gulf War- Just because of their skin color and race doesn't mean they're weak. We heard of the "impenetrable barrier"?

    WWII- Do you know anything? We were hella f***ed by the j**s in the beginning of the war. The Japanese at the time have the world's strongest navy and our was almost completely destroyed at Pearl Harbor. Admiral Yamamoto did said "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant..." after the Pearl Harbor attack. The US did became a superpower after WW2.

    WWI- Wasn't really our business to get involve. Its like a football game, the US is just the field goal kicker, comes in at the end of the game and make the winning point.

    Civil War- They were basically both US dumbsh1t

    Mexican War- Fair fight? We f*** those guys up easily

  13. slap a marine and you'll find out.

  14. Your view is simplistic. Iraq, Vietnam and Korea are and were, less wars than they were, and are, political games. The US Armed forces never lost a battle in Vietnam. Even the Tet Offensive was a tactical victory for the US. We've been playing political games for half a century, not fighting wars. When America fights its military wins.

    WW II was a World War. No nation on either side was in it alone.

    WWI? America was late to the fight, but it made a HUGE difference. France and the UK were fought out. Germany was thisclose to winning. American military might tipped the scales.

    Was wasn't the Spanish/American war a fair fight?

    Civil War. Got news for you, bro, the Confederacy had one helluva Army and some great Generals. No disgrace there.  

  15. Well by your logic, it seems all modern day armies are "paper tigers"

    Give me one war where only one country went in and battled against one of the same strength and won.

  16. LOL  I'd NEVER bet on that!

  17. Michael P i am laughing my *** off!! WW2 was won by americans?? ....USA got into WW2 only cause japanese attacked them.   Wanna know about other "alies"-they got into WW2 few yaers later after its started, ....why?  cause they were discussing who will get what after Hitler will win USSR .... RUSSIANS BEAT GERMANS.

      seems like ur history books kindda written by Mickey Mouse)))

  18. Koren war was a clear American defeat - the mission was not accomplished. And it was a real war. If America was not defeated in Vietnam, the USSR was not defeated in Afghan.

    Yes, I agree, America has never had an equal opponent. Russians encircled Japanese in Mongolia and China in the matter of weeks (or days?). Americans were fighting with them a couple of years.  

    The very emerging of British elite SAS shows that only Russia fought a real war. Brits boarded Willi's, came to German airfields and destroyed their aircraft. In the Eastern front it would have been absolutely  impossible to penetrate the lines on a vehicle.  

    I fear that now the only chance for US army is high-tech and precision weapons.  

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