
Is the US morally right to invade other countries?

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Do we have the right to disrupt the lives of others,when we justify our actions by saying it's keeping them from reaching our shores?




  1. Anytime any country is a security threat to this country, any other country who is our ally or a weaker power incapable of defense or a foreign power request our aid in defense of an aggressive power we can invade if we so desire.

  2. Were trying to make sure this never happens again.

  3. The recent wars are for and by the international bankers . The charges all have and are being trump up to get the people to go along with this war stuff . Which is only for them to make money . How, through the military industrial complex . Why , to have control over the worlds economy and it's people .

  4. Since this is a general question with no countries names, I'd say yes.  Unless turning a blind eye to genocide can be justified by saying the US would be "disrupting their lives" or the few days left of them.  

  5. If there's justifiable cause then yes we do have a right to invade other countries. If you're referring to Iraq and Afghanistan there's two different answers to that.

    Afghanistan, to me, was a legitimate attack. The Taliban government had been harboring terrorists since they took over. Because of their harboring terrorists, the terrorists had a place to plan and finance their attacks. The U.S. needed to get rid of that government.

    In Iraq, the invasion came out of nowhere. The president claimed to have proof that Iraq and Al-Qaeda had relations, and threaten to attack the U.S. Most experts disagreed with that assesment. He also claimed Iraq had WMD's. Of course, it was admitted later on that no WMD's existed in Iraq.

    Overall, the U.S. knows it can meddle in other countries affairs without any reprecussions. It's the only Superpower left, and other countries know not to attack us.  

  6. I think the point is moot after 911..all bets are off and all is fair in love and war..enjoy your freedom? thank a vet..a liberal will not stop the

    terrorist with "debate?"  Maybe we should apologize to the terrorist

    who lost their lives flying planes into the World Trade Center or

    the Pentagon or the field in Pennslyvania?  

  7. Nope. Invasion without provocation is never morally defensible. Just because your neighbor owns a gun and scares you, doesn't give you the right to go next door and take him out.

  8. We have the right to defend our intrest and keep our way of life.  

  9. Of course not. What is awful about it--besides the numerous unnecessary deaths and destruction--is that WE have nuclear weapons, we have chemical and biological weapons AND we have proven that we will show force without just cause. That makes us, technically, a terrorist with regards to foreign policy. While I certainly wouldn't wish it to happen, I worry that other countries will band together and take out/attack the US, since we are the only ones who have attacked others preemptively. Frankly, I think that is exactly what Russia and Iran are doing.  

  10. According to Democrats, yes, the U.S. is justified in invading and dismantling other nations, even if they haven't attacked us.

  11. ask bush

  12. Yes, when the governments of other countries threaten the U.S. or U.S. interests.  Otherwise, no.  But keep in mind this also means we keep our little noses out of places like Darfur or whatever the cause of the month is when they don't threaten the U.S. or U.S. interests.  I'm getting a vibe you think you know good nation building from bad, which you don't.

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