
Is the US run by Sith Lords?

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I see so many people think of the movie when i say sith lords. How bout thinking of it the sith on a political level. Not all sith were lightsaber weilding freaks bent on killing the Jedi. There is so much more to the sith. an I tell you if the sith were real we would be run with efficantly and would have less problems. to bad the sith are not real




  1. no

    Now go get ready for day care, the bus will be here soon.

  2. no its run by a t**t called George bush.

  3. No Run by Mugabe-like GOP who are sticking to power by fear mongering.

    These people should have resigned since they were bursted for taking America to Iraq war based on lies.

    They have killed Americans for nothing and they are still talking tough and shifting responsibility on others.

  4. Yes, and the Pope is Palpatine.

    A joke...obviously....

  5. YES!

  6. I WISH!! We'd be so much better off.

    And they'd FINALLY legalize prostitution.

    -bf jb nm

  7. Hi Darth,

    no, by the banking cartel and their colleagues, the pharmaceutical companies (special legislation exempting them from legal action when they kill and main with bad drugs) and Monsanto and friends (2 billion dollar annual subsidy paid from your taxes)

    More Info?

    and many, many more

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

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