A lot of people may think thats an absurd thing to ask but im very worried about the future of our country. people are way to willing to sacrifice personal freedom and privacy for security. it's republicains and democrates. I mean the patriot act, habeas corpus, weapons bans, state amendments towards personla choices like marriage. these are all the type of things facist governemnts do. facist governments dont want there poeple armed (weapons bans), don't want them educated (the us eduacation system is getting worse and worse results), they want there citizens affraid of an enemy that is evil, always lurking and hateful of our way of life. this is so orwellean im getting scared. we've gotten so far from the way our country was 230 years ago so slowly people haven't even noticed as one by one our freedoms were taken away and morality was legislated. i dont think it's going to be more then 20-50 years before they start jailing political dissadents.