
Is the USA being too generous with trying to assist disaster-stricken areas of the world vs. it's homeland?

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Case in point -- Myanmar (Burma). They have thousands facing starvation and disease from the incredible Cyclone aftermath...but the planeloads of food are being rejected. Or the good food that gets through is being hoarded by the military junta and the rotten food (from where?) is being given to the masses.

The U.S. is spending billions to rebuild Iraq but their oil revenues are enough to rebuild themselves but they won't whole-heartedly as long as the USA will pay for it or do it at the expense of the American tax-payers.

And filthy rich people like Oprah Winfrey will spend gobs of money on Africa while their are homeless people in her own back yard and across America.

Has the focus of the US and it's people been too much on the needs of other countries and peoples across the world versus taking care of it's own?




  1. they cant even get it together in new orleans

  2. The United States of America needs to take care of the legal American citizens first when every legal American has food shelter clothing and a job permitted they are able to work then America can and should help other countries

  3. We have always lent a helping hand and should continue to do so, but you are right about places like Burma. There government does not want our help and so we should not help them. I feel for the people there that have a government that would rather let them starve then to receive help. That says a lot about how messed up their goverment is. As far as New Orleans goes, we have given them tons of money and they still have FEMA trailers in the middle class and poor neighborhoods, but right now it isn't the money so much as epople are trying to do the work themselves, they have the money, but not the time as they hold down full time jobs too. Anyways, my point is we should help when we can, but not when the help is not wanted.

  4. There is nothing wrong with helping others. However, home must not be ignored. There needs to be a balance between both. The saying goes: "Charity begins at home".

  5. the answer is. Never!! We are our brothers keeper. and as long as one has the ability do do something then one has the responsibility.

  6. In new Orleans people have moved on it's all deserted unlike Africa were a lot of it is poor and people are dying from diseases do you see any people dying from disease in new Orlan's, and anyway we have to keep it balanced we don't won't to become selfish.

    and the next oil supply will be us

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