
Is the USA trying to prevent china and taiwan to unite?

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somebody told me this....since taiwan and china are two separate countries, US is the world's superpower. but if china and taiwan became one country again(united), then china would replace USA as the worls's superpower, and that's what US is trying to prevent from happening. one of the things US did to prevent it is, according to the person who told me, US broke relations with taiwan and favored china(since china is stronger) so that US and china will be 'friends'...

so what are your opinions/views/reactions etc here?

im not sure if what he's sayin is true




  1. Taiwan doesn't want to be part of mainland China, they are fighting it tooth and nail!  China is communist and Taiwan is a democracy they are prosperous and do not have to deal with the political garbage the communists will insist on them dealing with many nationals came to the US to live because they didn't want to fall under the communists tyranny.

  2. I thought it was the UN that was telling chine to let go of taiwan... hmmm..

    Other than that, China and Taiwan can be considered as a one because taiwan is a colony of china!

  3. I can say world politics is not your strong area of study.

    Taiwan doesn't want to unite with mainland China.

    Taiwan likes FREEDOM which China is not going to give them.

  4. The answer is simple:  China is much bigger and China has more money.....the U.S. did give China jobs, creating a more open communism in that country, enabling the U.S. to have a business partner in China, enabling us to borrow money from them.

  5. There are many different opinions about Taiwan and China, and I heard a lot about it too.  Many people believe Taiwan and China are one country and some people like to believe they are two different countries.  Taiwan is called the republic of China, it has different politic and laws.  Most people in Taiwan live pretty well, enough to eat and entertain.  

    If you asked people in Taiwan, most people are care less about politic.   Some of people believe that even if Taiwan and China united, there won’t be too much change to the commoners.  Only those people on the top wish Taiwan is independent country, so they won’t loose their position.  

    Taiwan is a small Island, that has a size probably as big as New Jersey.  If China really want to destroy or take over Taiwan, it is piece of cake.  However, what China want from Taiwan are its economy development and its richness, and China does not want to destroy that.

    In 1997, when Hong Kong went back to China, many people in Hong Kong afraid that many things will change, such as politic etc., but nothing change much and people live normally just like before.  

    The problem in China is that China has too many people and the economy is not producing enough job and food for the poor.  With the economy of Hong Kong and Taiwan, it may help China in the long run.  But you have remember, China is a huge country, what can a small Island Taiwan do...not to say that Taiwan has its own problems also.

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