
Is the United States at risk of being perceived as harboring terroists if a full Blackwater incident investiga

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tion does not get to the bottom and reveal all circumstances possible, even the prosecution of Blackwater employees to the full extent of the law if they did break the law? I think we might need a full accounting of this incident and the charachter assessment of those involved, don't you? I mean, the US, my country's charachter is really what this is all about? What are the understood rules of engagement here?




  1. Yes, the Blackwater contractors routinely shoot at unarmed and innocent Iraqis and they should be help accountable for their actions.

  2. Oh, as if that would be the first time.

  3. So far we have only seen the accuser's side of the story.

    Maybe we should cease the rush to judgment and wait until we get the whole story?

    Remember what happened about the "Haditha massacre?"  The liberals all jumped on the bandwagon and condemned the troops without bothering to get the full story.  After the whole story got out and the Marines were cleared of wrongdoing - the liberals are trying to pretend it never happened.

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