
Is the United States becoming a theocracy?

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Presidential candidates must profess religion in order to be voted in, and the line between church and state gets more blurred each year.




  1. No, not at all.  If we were then it would be the Middle Ages all over again and the Pope the leader in the State.  There is no resemblance and Church and State should be separated in order for advancements to be made.

    Yes, Bush has been a leading opponent in the War on Science.  Maybe that has something to do with his very religious standpoint... but the world will never know.

  2. No. Religious people comprise a large percentage of the population, always have. Nobody is going to get elected without some appeal to them

  3. The repubrightycons want it that way in order to lock up that contingent of the vote.  This country was founded with RELIGIOUS FREEDOM in mind (among other things), not a deference to Christianity.

  4. Not at all. In this country we want candidates with strong religious convictions that somehow never influence their courses of action. Its a paradox. But if you want Theocracy, look at Iran. Our constitution will protect us from that happening.

  5. well i think the united states has went from freedom to fascism. when the government fears the people you have "liberty", when the people fear the government you have "tyranny"

  6. This country was built on Christian values. The only people who find this threatening are those who do not live a Christian lifestyle. The left is constantly attacking Chrisitianity because they know they support stances that are immoral(abortion, g*y marriage).

  7. It is headed in that direction.  Even now President Bush claims to call on God to guide him.  

    To the answerer above (wulfen):  Lincoln was an athiest.

  8. America are largely a religious people, but who (hopefully) understand the separation of church and state.

    The problem is revisionists trying to pretend the founding fathers wanted this to be a religious dictatorship.  There are many good reasons they worked very hard to prevent this from happening - most of all the brutal Protestant vs. Catholic wars of the century prior to the revolution.

  9. NO

  10. They have been doing that since before you were born little girl and no were not.

  11. 1 - WHAT?!?

    2 - "...line between church and state gets more blurred each year." You need to find new reading material to regurgitate.

    No, he CAN'T!!! No, he WON'T!!! '08

    No, she COULDN'T!!! No, she DIDN'T!!! '08

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