
Is the United States better to live in, or somewhere in London, England?

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I'm 14 and I'm seriously considering moving somewhere in England when I get older, and I'd like to hear others opinions on both places, and what some differences are, thanks =)




  1. London!  

  2. Lots of good information already!  I agree that a good way for you to get the experience of living in another country would be to go to a University.  Maybe stay with a host family or dorm.  

    You could even go to a US Univ. and have an internship for 3-6 months in another country-- (the international experience looks great on the resume)

    The food is sometimes different, that depends on what you like. If you get homesick, there's plenty of American chain fast-food places.  

    Public transportation is very available-you can get all over with not much trouble.  

  3. I have been doing the exact same type of thing for a few weeks now. So far, this is what I have learned...

    All European countries will be extremely hard to get visas into.

    You must have that visa before moving.

    In some cases and type of visa, you also MUST have work before moving.

    The UK is a very nice place, depending on which part you go to, and how large a city is your cup of tea...but it's verrry different from the US.

    this website and forum has been helping me a lot, It has people from all over US who have moved, or want to move to the UK. It will let you know all kinds of things about the differences in money, life, and appliances.

    :) good luck!    ( the forum is under Community)

  4. As someone has already said there is more gangs in the US than there is here although it's not true you've got worse corruption? Generally southern England is more expensive than midlands/north the cost of living in England generally though it's higher here than it will be in the US but most towns/cities here are probably better looking (with a few exceptions.) Come over here and see for yourself when you're older. Good Luck.

  5. the u.s. government sucks, you should move, i'll be right behind you (cause im almost 13.)

  6. A little list I compiled :P


    America: I'm sure you know but America is a consumer society, very market orientated and all that. Lot's of adverts, even your presidents have adverts! Unheard of over hear :P. As for the rest, hollywood movies, tv, pop music all that! More rap and RandB over in America.

    England: Very similar to America, although fair differences. We have a lot of pubs. Really loads of them, and spend a lot of time there! Best pubs in the world we have! Less advertising, though still loads about. Erm basically the same movies and tv, although we have more sitcoms I would say, and lots more c**p ;). England is very music focused, lot's and lot's of genre's. Especially in London where it is pretty much anything goes in terms of culture. Also less cencorship on tv's. You can say pretty much anything you want to on tv after 9pm


    America: As you know, lot's of fast food restaurants and the like. I would say you guy's have more mexican food shops, and your food portions you get in the takeaways are huge!! Really massive :P, and yeah you take a lot of your food from other nations, being a melting pot of nations.

    England: Whilst famed for being c**p, English cuisine is actually great following a food revival bout 5 years ago. We have lot's more foriegn styled takeaways, mostly asian in origin, and we are crazy about Indian food. Seriously, loads and loads of Indian takeaways, and Chicken Tikka Misali is actually our national dish! Well next to fish and chips, and the sunday roast of course :P.


    America: Well it depends, you guys get a lot of sun, but the weather can get really violent, with storms and floods and hurricanes and all that. Quite nice weather untill it blows you to bits :P

    England: Rain. Seriously lot's of it. It's quite nice in summer where it's mild weather, that is not 100 degree heat, but other than that we are pretty much in the monsoon season most of the time! However, hurricanes and floods are very rare, and when they do occur, it's genereally small scale!


    America: You have a tougher law system, as well as death penalty, which may or may not have an effect, but it has created a lot of gang warfare and corruption. I hear some of the city's have very tough gangs.

    England: We have a much more relaxed law system, seriously not good as life sentence isn't what it used to be, however in the major city's we have far less deaths compared to America, we also have less gangs, although some of the football gangs can get really violent.  

  7. There are several things to consider.

    First, what would you like to do for a living? Certain careers are more transferable than others.

    Second, remember that the USA is a vast country, and your experience of what life can be like will vary a great deal from area to area. Life in Alaska is quite different than life in Alabama, which is quite different than life in Washington State etc. I am not talking about climate either. The people are very different from region to region. Take some time to explore different parts of the country - attending college or a university is a good way to get a feel for an area. What are you looking for? A conservative and/or religious mind-set? A liberal and easy-going culture? Multiculturalism? A strong sense of independence? Maybe a community full of highly educated people. There are areas in the US where the community would meet such expectations as the ones I listed.

    Take a vacation to the UK while you are exploring options. Visit different areas to get a feel for life - maybe an exchange course is available while you are studying. Talk to people when you are there.

    Good luck - life is full of many wonderful opportunities and possibilities. And remember, each country has good and bad people. Each country has good and bad qualities. It's all about finding the right balance for you.

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