
Is the VW bus safe. I am just getting my first car. Is it a safe enough car for a young driver.?

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Is the VW bus safe. I am just getting my first car. Is it a safe enough car for a young driver.?




  1. Old.............No.


    But it has alot of blind spots......

  2. Nope.  I wouldn't recommend it for a young driver AT ALL!

  3. yeah...if you can ever get the engine started, that is !!

  4. It is VERY cool and fun, but it is a death trap....

    mine were '69 and '70

    Loved them and had a great time!!

    Be careful out there!!!

    the guy that says they are all steel must have had one late 70's 80's...  anything 75 or so and before were tin cans.  I got backed into and it crumpled the back quarter completely.  A friend hit a tree doing 20 (wet leaves) and it put an indentation in the middle of the front a foot+ deep...

    The 60 &70's are very unsafe - especially front end collisons - there is NOTHING up there to protect you...  just look at it :)

    Also easy maintence once you get the hang of it... the older models needed the valves adjusted every 3-5000 miles... 1/4 day job...  other than that - pretty basic all around.

  5. h**l yeah - thats the way to go.  I hope for youre sake your talking about the micro busses not the cheesy  post 80's model.  They stopped making the round ones that all smokers like in 79.  IT Was actually my first car and its safe cause its all steel.  The only thing is it would be about 30 years old so it would help to know a lil about mechanics.  Other than that you will love it and people will always stop and ask you about it

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