
Is the a vehicle out there that runs on literally nothing..or air..and has ..0..yes i said zero.. effect?

by  |  earlier

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i ment is there a car that runs on air?




  1. Hmmmm, now you got me thinking.

    Air is about 21% O2, and 78% N2.

    At what temperature does nitrogen burn?

    2 N2 + 1 O2 ==> 2 N2O

    Any chemistry majors out there?

  2. No.  There is no car that runs on air.

    For something to move, it needs power of some sort.  Energy doesn't come out of the air - it needs to come from somewhere.

    A bicycle (which is the first vehicle that came to mind) runs on a human being.   That human being still needs food, so to be completely accurate, the bicycle still has some effect (from farming for food, and dealing with the waste products that a person creates) but it is the closest thing to a "zero effect" vehicle that exists.

  3. Yes, they're called Matchbox cars and all you need to do is give them a push.

  4. No, that's impossible.

    The closest you could get would be an electric car and recharge its batteries with renewable energy like solar panels.  But it still requires energy and resources to build the car and solar panels.

  5. yes vehicles can run but not on air cars can now run on nitrogen which makes up almost 78% of the air

  6. You need power to produce movement.  A physical law.

  7. yeah.

    you get 'em at Toys-R-us.

    you blow up a balloon, and stick it on the car, and as it squirts air out the back, the car moves forward.

    that's about it.

  8. compressed air could run a car--- a few feet.

  9. Yes

    Your car burns gasoline. Can't burn gasoline without oxygen. The oxygen being burned comes from the atmosphere. So you are already burning air.

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