
Is the abortion pill or the surgical abortion safer?

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i have an apointment on tuesday, and just want a lil advice..

idk which is the long run.

thank youu <33




  1. well speaking from experience, surgical is not exactly safe, but I was told that its a lot more uncomfortable to use the pill. it sucks either way, and I will in no way lecture you which Im sure some people are gonna do. I wish you luck in whatever you choose. Oh,  and just if you didnt know surgical is a lot more expensive. PP costs around 600.

  2. as long as you are under 7 months then i&#039;ll say okay because scientifcally no matter what the christians say it is a fetus and not a baby people. i would say go with the surgical thing.

  3. Sorry I can&#039;t give you any help, but you should know that this is the wrong place to ask. This site is overwhlemingly &quot;pro-life&quot; and hence will probably criticize you or delete your question, even though they have no idea of your personal circumstances.

  4. You should really read up on this at Planned Parenthood or some other provider website as they are the most knowledgeable (the link is below). I think that both are fairly safe, but it is more a question of what makes you most comfortable. Some things I think you should think about (from personal experience) 1. Make sure you have someone trustworthy and caring to take care of you regardless of which option you choose. Abortion is a medical procedure and like all others it always has some risk attached. 2. Be prepared for protesters outside the clinic. It is illegal for them to stop you from entering or to threaten you, but it can still be rather traumatic to be faced with a mob of unfriendly faces. 3. If you have any problems whatsoever make sure you contact some medical professional and again make sure someone you trust is around to make that call for you if necessary.

    I really do suggest reading up on this before you go and if you want any more personal info send me an email.  

  5. I don&#039;t know, which do you think is safer for your baby? Well I would say neither. You are still aborting a baby that didn&#039;t deserve it. The long run is you will always know you killed your baby. At least give it up for adoption. Good luck with the emotional scars you will no doubt have. =(

    *edit* Well  I am sorry you feel judged, I guess we needed a bit more info...sounds like you are justified in not wanting to be a mom...

  6. I am so tired of people using abortion as a form of birth control.

    That&#039;s all I wanted to say.I know I will get many thumbs down and frankly I don&#039;t give a d**n.

  7. Two weeks pregnant or a month pregnant, both ways don&#039;t always work, although they do most of the time, the dead fetus doesn&#039;t always come out. I suggest after getting pregnant and killing it, you learn a lesson and stop having pre-marital s*x, and start acting like a lady. If you act like a lady you wont be in sticky situations like this anymore, otherwise if you continue your behavior your going to find you will have many abortions through out your life, and that in the long run is not healthy for your body. ..

  8. neither is safe your baby dies either way

    and amy = The word fetus is from the Latin fetus, meaning offspring, bringing forth, hatching of young... offspring... hmm that&#039;s the same thing that the child (or BABY) of anything is called... isn&#039;t it? So what is such the big difference between fetus and baby? it is a different word for the same thing!

  9. Think about what your doing before u MURDER something so innocent!! this baby was conceived because YOU had s*x!! Y don&#039;t u seek other alternatives before u murder!!! Don;t come on here in the pregnancy section asking what murder alternative is better. K thanks!!

  10. I had an abortion 8 years ago. I got pelvic inflammatory disease from it. I don&#039;t know about the pill. My abortion wasn&#039;t bad and hurt for about 5 minutes, after that just period like cramps. Me personally I&#039;d rather get it done with fast than have to take the pills. Good luck.

  11. I doubt you&#039;d be able to tell on a test if you&#039;re only 2 weeks. It takes 2 to tango. That&#039;s great that you have a kid already. Why not have another? Don&#039;t you understand that if you are having s*x there is a chance of pregnancy? Now you want to just discard a life like it&#039;s nothing. That&#039;s sad.

    EDIT: it&#039;s too bad that you don&#039;t want to hear it because in case you haven&#039;t noticed this is MY answer, MY opinion. Don&#039;t read it if you don&#039;t want to. Whatever. Close your legs.

  12. They both have the same risks. Neither is safer than the other.

    I&#039;m really sorry about all the c**p you are about to hear from a bunch of ignorant people trying to tell you what to do with your own body. I&#039;ve read a lot about abortions and the abortion pill. I almost got an abortion not too long ago. I&#039;m 7 months pregnant and couldn&#039;t be happier. I&#039;m not against abortions but I found that it wasn&#039;t the right choice for me. (: Good luck.

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