
Is the absolute certainty of survival the basis for happiness

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Is the absolute certainty of survival the basis for happiness




  1. I'd say quite the opposite. Absolute certainty of anything begets taking things for granted and just going through the motions.

  2. There is a theory that if the struggle for existence ends,Man will become neurotic

  3. Nope, more like the basis for boredom.

    Happiness is derived from the sense you are doing what you 'should' be doing.  That you are becoming successful.

    Humans are problem solvers.   So we will often go quite mad if we have no problems to solve or no challenges to overcome.  

    This often means we are happier building the fort, than when we are resting comfortable behind its walls.

  4. 1.our purpose is to reproduce offspring general, to be happy we need basic comforts like food, water, a bed to sleep on, and free of pain

  5. You need to feel safe to a certain degree in order to be able to feel happy then,that is, you need NOT to feel in immediate danger of your life or well-being(you need to be able to satisfy your basic needs).

    Then, you will be able to focus on improving your quality of life and reaching happiness.

  6. For some the certainty can be comforting.

    Rewands for efforts.

    Hope for things yet undone.

    Contuied relationships.

    Further development.

    Aquired goals.



    And yes happiness.

  7. Happiness is just a state of mind.


  8. I think it has a lot to do with it, yeah, but even if you weren't certain to survive, you could still be happy.

  9. I think it's the other way about.

    I think happiness is the basis for survival.

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