
Is the act of Deicide illegal in UK law?

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It's interesting because if it is legal then the law doesn't recognize Gods as actual beings.




  1. Killing myself would be killing a God.

  2. How can you kill something that doesn't exist? No!

  3. "It's interesting because if it is legal then the law doesn't recognize Gods as actual beings."

    No it doesn't mean that, because it isn't illegal to kill all beings, only some beings, e.g. humans.

    Also, laws are created when it is considered necessary for the well-being of society. Why would it occur to anyone that there needs to be a law against deicide? Especially when in most religions (not all, e.g. the Old Norse gods) deities are immortal?

  4. ooooohhh..........I can't Deicide.

  5. No - but I'm not sure how you would kill a god?!

  6. to make it a crime, one would first have to prove the existence of a god and once that was proved to be false, all charges would be void.

  7. yet another case of our feeble legal system letting us down again !!!.

    please don't kill god,he gets a lot of bad press. it aint him,it's his scary followers i'm worried about.

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