
Is the airforce good for people with families?

by Guest34441  |  earlier

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I have been considering joining up, however I have a wife and two children and after training and everything would like to be with them stationed or w/e. I have heard horror stories about there is no guarantee you can be or places you cant bring them. And that it usually leads up to divorce. Anyone have any insight about this?




  1. I just wanted to affirm what the above poster said.

    They are the BEST for families.

    Everything said is 100%.  

  2. It is the BEST service for families - they take care of their people first, my brother IL has been in for 17 years and loves it. He's enlisted and he has NEVER had anything bad to say about housing or facilities or anything.

    The military is whatever you make out of it, that has always been my motto. It will have it's ups and downs - you just have to find a good balance.

  3. My husband is navy and until he got stationed at an air force base... i thought  we had it good.  they will always help you with family issues and there's only a couple places in the world that you could be stationed that families aren't permitted (most of them are in the middle east and are only 1 year).  the air force is the only branch of the military that considers family first... work second.  there is no guarantee you'll get stationed where you want but if you have family they'll make sure you stay together.

  4. Jon,

    I'm going to echo Joe above.

    I was enlisted in the USAF for 7.5 years. They took good care of us. then I got out and finished college, got my masters degree, and....

    Went into the Navy as an officer. The Navy wasn't 'too' bad family wise, but not nearly as good as the AF.

    On base housing for young families is fantastic - good and safe.


  5. I am a retired Army NCO. I think that the Air Force would be better than the Army, Navy, or Marines for a married man. But let me advise you, that after my second divorce in the military, you mast have a clear understanding with your wife about deployments. They will happen, no matter what branch of service. Some are accompanied by dependents and some are not.

    It takes a certain type of woman to cope with the military. I have been married eighteen years to my current wife. She was in the Army when I met her and fully understood the challenges we had to face.

    We made it through long deployments and frequent moves by keeping our eyes on the goal, retirement with all the benefits.

    Now we enjoy life as military retirees with the pay, medical benefits, commissary, PX, and travel. It was worth it! Went to NYC the 4th of July from California - Free. Going this weekend to Hawaii - Free.Have a trip to Germany planned for Oktoberfest - Free!

    We both got MBA's using the Education allowance and both work for local government in great secure jobs.

    So if you are a faithful husband that does not stray far from the mark, and your wife can fend for herself from time to time, than the military is great!

  6. My husband tried joining the airforce before he joined the army for one reason and that is the airforce takes better care of families. I hate to say it but they do. They have better housing and medical facilites. Not to mention shorter deployment lengths. The only reason why they woudnt take him is because he didnt have a high school degree. He dropped out when he was 16 and got his GED instead.  Your wife and kids will get stationed with you unless you are deployed or the airforce feels that the area were you are getting stationed is to dangerous for your family but that hardly ever happens.

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