
Is the ak47 a good hunting rifle

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on semi automatic mode, what kind of animals can u hunt with an ak47? is it powerful enough to take on a big bear or rhinoceris? what about accuracy? i hear that ak47 is inaccruate, so that means i will miss if i try to shoot?




  1. No, do not use a AK47 for hunting purposes. Makes us gun owners and hunters look bad.

    Why would you want to bother with a AK47 if you want to hunt rhinocerous?

    Geez, people these days.

  2. The problem with most AK variants is the stamped receiver and lack of a chrome-lined barrel, which inhibits accuracy. However, my Bulgarian milled SLR 95 has a CL'd barrel and is nearly indestructible. In fact, I plan to order a 5-round magazine and use it as my deer-rifle this fall and save my .280 for elk and such. Unfortunately, this round lacks the power to take large game, and I wouldn't try any further than 75 yards without a telescopic sight. Good question!

    If you're truly interested, check out the following ammo:

    1)Cor Bon: "hunter" 7.62x39 150gr soft-point or DPX lead-free

    2)Wolf 154gr soft point

    3)Bernaul Brown/Silver Bear SP

    BTW, Zosh, think about this: "Since approximately 1990, the 7.62x39mm cartridge has seen some use in hunting arms in the US for hunting game up to the size of whitetail deer, as it is approximately as powerful as the old .30-30 Winchester round, and has a similar ballistic profile.[4] Large numbers of inexpensive imported semiautomatic rifles, like the SKS and semi-auto AK-47 clones and variants, are available in this caliber. The SKS is so inexpensive as to have begun displacing the .30-30 lever-action rifles as the new "poor man's deer rifle" by being less expensive than the .30-30 Marlins and Winchesters that long held that role."  

  3. The caliber itself, 7.62X39 would be sufficient for deer and similar sized game but not enough for bear. It's the accuracy that does it in. It's meant as a people killer at close range. So it never was meant to be incredibly accurate, just accurate enough to actually hit a person at a couple hundred yards. You can get decent to good groupings with one but it's not a game gun. It's also usually a carbine with a shorter barrel which lowers velocity and you need that high velocity to cause damage for a cleaner kill.

    You could, could use it, if your adamant on using that caliber get a sks that's not a carbine.

  4. The 7.62 Russian round is slightly less powerful than the 30-30.  OK for deer and maybe black bear but underpowered for anything much bigger except in an emergency.  The AK47 is not a precision rifle, it was made to shoot minute of the capitalist pig at up to 300 yards.  Fine for hunting if you practice and don't try to exceed your or the rifle's capabilities.

  5. You can scope an AK and use a 5 round or blocked mag to make it hunting legal.  The round is good for antelope and deer out to 250 yards or so; remember that it was designed to drop people in battle and we don't weigh in as heavy as game animals.  If you set it up right and practice you can put 5 rounds through the center of the bull at a hundred yards with no problem.  

  6. What are you thinking? The AK47 is designed to be a close-quarters assault rifle. If you're planning on breaking down the door of a herd of renegade elk, then go for it. But you should be looking at a much higher powered, scoped, accurate hunting rifle. Bolt action.

    And if you need a semi auto weapon to bring down your game, you have no business in the woods in the first place.

  7. It is not the most accurate rifle known to man. The caliber will work on game up to deer size. Avoid big bear and rhinos with the AK you might not like the results.

    Inaccuracy is a relative term. Depending on you, the firearm and the ammo there is a chance you may not hit an animal at certain ranges.  Example: 50 yards, deer with no Buck Fever there is a good hit probability.  Medium to high degree of buck fever and deer at 150 yards, poor hit probability- depends on you.

  8. If you look at the commercial soft point ammunition offerings for the 7.62x39 round, you will find ballistics right there with the .30-30 or even slightly better depending on which loads you are comparing.  

    Deer or even Brown Bear sized game can be ethically hunted with this round.   A WASR10, SAIGA, MAADI, etc are all AK variants which you can get 3-4MOA or better with practice.  That means that you can put a scope on one and easily hunt deer out to 150-200 yards ethically.  

    If more people were aware of just how many used them for hunting, there would be a better public perception of them instead of miss labeling a semi-auto commercial variant an "assault rifle".    Hunters need to respect diversity in our sport even if they personally would not choose to use a particular rifle themselves.  It is the anti black rifle attitude that allows them to be banned.   Other hunters can be our own worst enemy.

  9. NO!!!!

  10. NO fun to shoot but not a hunter.

  11. the 7.62 by 39mm can take out game as big as deer but not much bigger. the ak47 isnt that accurate but you could take one out if u were close enough but u probably wont get that chance. it would not be good on rhino or bear. overall it wouldnt be that good of a gun to hunt with

  12. The AK can be used to hunt, but that doesn't mean that it should be.  It will get a lot of negative attention.  The most I would use one on is deer (If I were to hunt with one, which I do not).  Bear is pushing its capabilities and rhinoceros is definitely out of the question.  Keep in mind that 7.62x39 performs kinda like 30-30 at distances under 100 yards.  

    Accuracy is not a clear issue with AKs.  Some shoot well some don't; it depends upon a lot of factors.  The guns are usually made from parts from surplused and demilled military stock.  There's no telling how much use/abuse the parts saw.  Then it depends upon how well the gun is built.  Romanian WASR-10s are bottom barrel, next up are any century arms rebuilds.  Newly made and imported models as well as some homebuilds with uniussued kits can be surprisingly accurate with the right ammo.  Wolf, Barnaul, Bear brands, Golden Tiger, Cheetah, and the many other cheaply made steel case ammo doesn't usually cut it for accurate fire.  On the other hand I have had some 70's Yugo and 80's South African 7.62x39 that produces some really awesome groups from my homebuilt AKs.

  13. First of all, is it even legal for you to hunt with a semi auto in the state you live in? Most states will not allow it. Although most of the arguments have already been made surrounding the AK47 for hunting, i'd just like to point out that killing a bear or a rhino is risky business, because if you hit 'em with an inferior round, chances are your just gonna make it mad and its gonna attack you. Otherwise, when it comes to taking down a wild animal you don't want to shoot it and watch it squirm around for an hour until it actually dies; at the same token, you don't want the animal to get up and run away after its been shot, because you are obligated by law to go track it down, and for some reason if it does manage to elude you, theres a chance that it will have to face being eaten alive by a pack of coyotes or other predators later because it is injured. Can you imagine being eaten alive? Pretty knarly . . . literally. Its a matter of being ethical when you hunt. 7.63X39 is not designed for big game, even if it'll take down a deer. If you must have a semi auto to hunt with get something chambered in 308win/7.62x51, it is also known as 7.62 NATO; Saiga even makes one that looks like an AK too. As far as accuracy, i included a link below for you to to some research on you own. There is also a link for you to find out the legality of hunting with semi autos, and a link to the AK308 I spoke of.

  14. The Russian 7.62x39 used in the AK47 is a good medium round. It can be used for game up to deer sized and small bear. Accurate to 150 yards without any problem.  

  15. For smaller Southern deer the 7.62x39 is an adequate caliber using soft nosed (not the little "hollow point" ) ammo.

    While an AK is not at all an ideal hunting platform, it can be used, although there are many, many better options.

    I know a guy who has an accurized and scoped AK that he takes into the field every season to bag a deer. He does it just to post pics around gun shops and sporting goods stores, as he knows it really pisses off the old farts who hate surplus Commie guns, etc. This guy also hunts with a white, groomed French Poodle (standard poodle, not a toy) at his side. You should hear some of the comments, heck I make many of them myself, "the hippie hunter and his pooodle"!

    But he and his dog are well trained and know how to's just a weird sight.  

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