
Is the alaska governor a good choice for VP republican candiate?

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By the waya...she kinda hot.




  1. no.

    and maybe you should look before you post. this has been asked a ton of times.  

  2. Why yes, I think having a woman for a running mate is a mah-velous idea - a little yin for his yang, some feminine energy to heat up the forefront of political scene.

    AND unlike SOME people (who will remain nameless), I CERTAINLY see the relevance of including this question in the M&D section - I mean, HELLLOOOOOO???!!!!  A man and woman making decisions together, for the good of the country - kind of like the heads of a big family???  We do remember family values, don't we - it's the American way!

    Brilliant analogy, Sweetbottom. Keep up the good work!@

  3. It's a shame, why couldn't she be running for president and have

    this total un-charasmatic boring, lack luster person as her VP?

    If I wake up tomorrow and somehow by some miracle,this is the

    situation, I"ll vote republican !

  4. Shes a terrific choice.  She brings a totally new perspective to the ticket and hopefully people sense that.  She's a fresh face the country just may have been looking for and shes real.  She has lived a life that love her or hate her deserves respect.  

  5. For McCain yes, for Obama No!  Now there is actually a reason to vote for McCain...

  6. i love alaska :D

  7. Another presidential affair EH? Cough Cough  

  8. Yes  she's ok.  BUT the DEMOCRATATIC party best win this election.

  9. I knew he would pic a woman but I thought that it would be Rice.

    People say it is a bad thing because now they can't throw around the experience thing anymore, but they still will because the president being inexperienced is a little more important then the VP.

  10. Now they cant play that inexperienced card anymore lol.

    She has less experience than Obama.

    Hypocrites all over in both parties lol.

    At least one of them is not Bush all over again.

    McCain is gonna cheat on his wife with her. I call it first.

  11. what does this have to do with marriage and divorce?

  12. its an amazing choice. the Democrats must be hating this but its true. McCain will win about 10% of Clinton's supporters giving him a commanding lead over obama. anyone who says otherwise is just hating!

  13. Great choice for Republicans. Disaster for Democrats. Hey, just like the Biden pick!

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