
Is the alien phenomena a substitute for religion?

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Do you think that the whole U-F-O/Alien phenomena is a substitute for religion in the 21st century? Since science has pretty much disproved religion, do you think people are interested in U-F-O's because it means that there are still mysteries and science can't explain everything. I'm just interested in what others think on the matter. There has already been some mixing of religion and U-F-Os. There dose seem to be some pathological need for humans to believe there is more to life than what science dictates.




  1. No but it is covered up because of religion, you see, the government, any bodies government are well aware that Aliens and UFOs are here and have been here for a very long time... They have asked the big question about God and religion and they didn't like the answer, so to keep all the "sheeple" grazing in their perspective paddocks they cover it up vehemently... It is all about control, for them and The Church as well, considering there is more proof that UFOs and Aliens exist than the Christian God or basically anything stated in their Bible as being true, I would back UFOs any-day of the week...

    I am an abductee, so nobody can tell me they don't exist because they bloody well do !!!

    In Light.... )O(    

  2. Well I'm not too sure of UFOs, but I believe there is a God, (super power) and there's life after death, in some form or another in a different solar system, other than ours.

    That's what I believe.

  3. no, it's a modern replacement for faerie lore. you'd be surprised at the number of similarities between the two. missing time, abductions, and the theme of needing to hybridize to strengthen their race are only three big similarities between the two.

  4. not quite.. but I see your point. I think it is something different to everyone, but it seems to be similar in the respect that there is some 'secret knowledge' the people claim to obtain, by hiding in places there is no evidence for. Since in most cases non-existence can't be proved, they try to remain delusional and superior

    At least the belief in aliens hasn't caused many wars I know of.

    "Everyone is an atheist about everyone else's god, I just take it one god further"

    Religion is at the same time a sign of real distress and a protest against real distress.. the first and worst explanation for the universe. It resides in darkness, scared of the light of knowledge. By their illogic, as knowledge increases, gods decrease. As we learn more about the unknown, the unknown can no longer (how pitifully tryed) be evidence for god.

  5. SH*T i must have missed that day in class when science finally explained everything...

    tell me what happened to all those missing links please

  6. For some, maybe.  For some, religions is a substitute for unexplainable alien intervention.  For some, thte alien phenomena is religion.  You can be religious and still believe in aliens.  Religion has always been one way to explain the unexplainable.  It is hard for most people to believe that there really is no reason we're here, that there is no meaning to life, that we have no more importance to the whole scheme of the universe then dogs and cats do.  Or that when we die that's it, nothing more happens--because it causes you to wonder  what was the reason then for being born?  And there's still so much unknown and it's so much easier to chalk it up to God.  It's hard to accept that all the beauty of this world just happened, might have been a mistake, just coincidence.  

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