
Is the answer to life's big question success or failure?

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To use what we have been given or to give up what has become ours? Do all answers just lead to more questions? If we can't find the true meaning of Love will we just settle for the next best thing? If Jesus Christ's Love is not the answer than what could it possibly be? Do we all just fight to attain things that we must eventually walk away from?God bless all




  1. success and believe in GOD

  2. The way you asked the question is too enigmatic, it shows unresolved issues many of which are deep, and personally I would be very interested in a discussion of the "whys" of these issues, because it is very interesting to see the way that people process what is going on around them. I will try and answer with a combination of logic, rationality and heart.

    Using what we have been given is definately a way to acheive personal happiness, so we have to start be being able to identify what we have been given! Assuming that we are, at birth, in a relatively pure state (please put the question of "original sin" out of the way for the moment) then we can say that at that point, BEFORE anyone comes along and conditions us, as to who and what we are, by imposing society or civilization, things which are not necessarily bad in themselves, we have our birth capital and it is undeveloped. This is the reason for purity.

    As for "what has become ours" this is another aspect of our lives, but often belongs to the persona part. Answers are relative to this.

    While it is true that the love that Jesus exhibited on the earth is of a very noble nature, it is not really appropriate to compare oneself to what may have gone on in those days, in our search to understand the essence of Love. Each of us has a mission in this life, it is written long before our souls are infused into our developing bodies. Once we get back to the essential part of what we are, we can start to assess what that mission is actually composed of, and often it is difficult to assume what we really are, essentially, which includes walking away from things we may have obtained, in order to strive to achieve our goals. But we must be careful in fixing them.

  3. I'd say it is about living well or dying badly

  4. A mixture of both, but mostly failure. After the Fall we have all been plagued as a result of Adam and Eve's sin - which also includes death. We are only successful if we accept Jesus as our Saviour and spend this life praising him and always putting him first, even above our loved ones. In Heaven our rewards will be great. Spending eternity with the Almighty One who gave us life is so much more important than spending this life trying to please ourselves. Our time here is small compared to an eternity.

  5. what about allah or thor who says jebees chris love is better?

  6. for me life is to make the man in my life squeel with delight

  7. Jesus is the only way to live again....choose Jesus!!!!!!!!!

  8. My grandpa told me measure your life you look at your friends.  If you are loved...even by one person you are a success.

    You can have all the material things in life...but if you are alone and haven't helped change one life...or are loved by one  person...your life was useless.  Why were you here?

  9. i think it's best to just live by faith and not by sight for Christ.

  10. Only when you know the question will you understand the answer.

    I believe that my purpose, is to find my gift, and then give it away.

    You may choose to believe it of yourself as well.

  11. Its a broad question but God can explain.

  12. Life's big question here on earth is, "What is truth?" Unfortunately we get thousands of different answers. The solution to this problem is love. Unfortunately this emotion is the most elusive, to the carnal mind and heart. God knows the minds and hearts of man, and He will teach all to walk forward, and never walk away again.

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