
Is the any way that i can tell how old my herman tortoise is?

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is there anyway to know just how old it is by how long it is or anything like that and what is the best age to s*x them. thanks




  1. ask him or cut him in half and count the rings

  2. it is really hard to tell the age of a tortoise if you have not had it from a hatchling, you can send a photo to the tortoise trust and they will give you an estimated age of your torotise, they go on the lenght and the wear of the shell but it will only be a rough age, you can s*x a tortoise better when they reach the age of 5, look on hte bottom of the shell, if it has a dip then it could be male, but as some females can have a slight dip the best way to tell the s*x is to look at the tail, a females tail is short and dumpy it looks like a kinda triangle, the male tail is longer and more cone shaped and the torotise will keep it to one side when it walks here is a site that will show you the difference between a male and females tail shape, best of luck honey  

  3. count the rings..on his p.....e...n....i...s...........?

  4. Ask his mother.

  5. You can usually s*x them by the time they are about 5 years old, but sometimes sooner for males bependant upon  rate of growth.

    You cannot age tortoises as size is dependant upon diet, husbandry, etc.

    BUT Your hermans tortoise should have come with an article 10 certificate when you purchased it, which should tell you the year of hatching on it.

  6. you can usually s*x a tortoise by about 5 years old but it really depends on its size rather than its age.  if you go onto the tortoisetrust website or tortsmad and place a photo saying what your tortoise weighs and what its length is then there will be someone who will be able to help you.  Size can be deceptive and depends on whether it has been wild caught or captive bred, and what it is fed on amongst other things.  take photos of the top shell, underneath shell and head of the tortoise to be more accurate.  Hope that helps :)  

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