
Is the area around Dufferin and Eglinton bad?

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Is the area around Dufferin and Eglinton bad?




  1. It's not good

    lots of blackies around there

    keep away for your own good

  2. Bad?? in which way, it is an ethnically diverse neighbourhood, safe in the respects there are no gang wars in the area, it is still on the fringes of the Italian area bounded by College, east to Ossington up north to Eglinton Av, but there are some West Indians, Portuguese, African and Filipino people in the area, it has good schools, shopping and is still in the downtown greenbelt, of trees and parks.

    I almost lived there once and don't live far from it now, so if it is an area your considering, I would say "Fine" and check it out, not as pricey as some areas apartment and house wise, nice small streets and not alot of noise, except for the main streets, with public transit, bit that calms down at night.

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