
Is the aryan, satans latest attempt to infuse draconians into the human population, a virus?

by Guest56392  |  earlier

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interview one or two of your blue eyed friends and see how they react, that you may know the truth my sons




  1. Humans are humans.  It can happen anywhere;

    If you want to learn about the subject without having to sort through a lot of anonymous answers by strangers, about whom you know nothing, including whether they know anything, there's a way to learn.

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  2. I think you need a psychologist.... stat!

  3. To the question I only say:  Huh?  Get off the couch, stop watching Star Trek re-runs and go play outside like normal people.

    Zeb:  Aryans do exist.  They are also called Caucasians (from the Caucus Mountains) or Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) they were a population from the steppes of what is today south western Russia near the Caucus mountains and they spread quickly (thanks to agricultural advancement, metal working and chariots) as far as Spain and India displacing most of the local populations in between (the Basques being a notable exception).  Evidence of this has been traced both genetically and linguistically (ever wonder why the Hindi word for bread (naan) and the Spanish word for bread (pan) sound so close?).  The use of the term Aryan has become closely associated with the n***s and this is unfortunate.  Like the swastika which is an ancient symbol found around the world and used by numerous faiths the term Aryan has become stigmatized.

  4. OY...Aryan is non existent.  It is a label given to residents of proven pure German linage by highly ranked members of Hitlers n**i military commanders. They were presented by the Third Reich, as being blond, blue eyed, tall, perfectly anatomically proportioned, well developed muscular, intelligence superiority, and represent the perfect human.  The problem with this delusion was the reality that more than 70% of the population of germany at the time of Hitler's dictatorship had dark eyes,/or dark hair, were less than the ideal height, and anatomical porportion.  

    So, fear not.  No aryans, no reptoids.

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