
Is the average cost of living expensive om france?

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is it expensive because I plan on moving there in the future.




  1. I am an American living in France, and I can verify that it's very expensive to live here!  But I suppose it depends on where you're coming from... A bag of apples or a pair of shoes or even a cheap plastic toy will cost twice as much in a small town in France as it will in the U.S.  Gasoline, rent and entertainment are also much more expensive on average.  But it does depend on where you live in France and what you are comparing it to (from where you're living now).  Also, it's more expensive if you're using American or British health insurance vs. French.  It all depends on your situation.  I am paid in American dollars (the exchange rate is definitely not in my favor), living in an area of France that is twice as expensive as the city (New Orleans) that I left, so it's tough for me.  However, I LOVE IT HERE.  Beautiful place, nice people, great quality of life.  There's a lot to consider, and some compromises to make if you're serious about eventually moving here...


    watch this video and im sure you'll find your answer.its a cool video from a great movie called'll learn about the expeses of a home and other stuff im sure you'll like.

  3. It is, Im planning on moving there too, I checked average prices, and it is ASTRONOMICALLY more expensive that my native Chicago, but it is pretty, so you cant beat that.

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