
Is the bass hard to play and late for me to learn?

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ok I always loved string instruments(and piano) mostly fav was the bass,guitar,vilen and double bass......but I always thought it was impossible for me to learn any especially piano...I wanna learn the double bass,bass or violin at least 1 of em but I am 15...ppl say I am to old to even be good at t now..And I dont wanna learn the guitar alot of ppl learn it and it’s quite common now....

So I was wondering is it hard to learn the bass or double bass? And is it late for age 15?

I dont now if I should I always tell my mum I hate doing activities but I would really like to try to learn em the only drawback is...that its hard to learn and that at 15 learning any instrument won't change me in anything ppl say from when u r 7 or so....but still I always liked music and wish to put my career in it but I never really practiced any instrument cuz of what I what do u guys think

Is it hard to learn the bass(preferably) or double bass?

And is it late for age 15?

Thanks in advance




  1. Any instrument takes hard work, dedication and the desire to learn and to play well.  The double bass is no different.  15 is not too late. It's never too late.   In fact it's the perfect age since the double bass is a very large instrument and would be difficult for a small child to play.

    Check with your school's music program to see if they offer a symphonic or orchestra class. That would be a perfect stepping stone to becoming a bass player.  Private lessons are absolutely necessary as well, but the structure of the school orchestra and the daily rehearsal routine would be a great way to start you on the way to becoming a musician.

  2. its never to late to learn an instrument.

    i found bass relativly easy to learn as soon as i learnt to read bass tabs. there are a lot of great songs with simple bass lines that are pretty easy to learn.

    it does take a lot of hard work and practice to be able to play it well, without the strings buzzing, etc.

    but yeah, if you want to learn then you should go for it, you never know until you try, right?

  3. It's not by miles. I'm in my late forties and I picked up the bass last band I was Jamming with and learned a few riffs right there on the floor! I'm usually just lead vocals and supporting keyboards on rare occasions but if you're into it you can do anything. You can do anything you want too Kid, go get em!!

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