
Is the beach and church the same thing?

by Guest57891  |  earlier

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I always loved church because I am so close to Jesus. But today it sucked. I wish I had stayed home or gone surfing instead. Then I started thinking is church really Gods house? Why does god need a house. I mean is I like went and surfed and prayed the whole time wouldnt it be the same?




  1. yes

  2. How are you close to Jesus?

  3. I was baptized in the sea.

  4. Not really, sorry to hear that church sucked today, what happened, a new pastor, or what?  While you may be able to pray anywhere, church is where two or more people gather in His name, and unless you guys are surfing and praying and preaching at the same time (which would probably be hard to do) I'd say good luck.........

  5. The beach can be even more spiritual between God and you.

  6. The beach, and forest, are absolutely God's home.  More than any church, temple, mosque or synagogue.  Without question, the natural world and its beauty are the purest expressions of divinity and God, and the place where you will find the most peace, beauty, divinity.  

    All suggestions otherwise are ego, arrogance, human stupidity.  Go surfing.  Sit on the beach and meditate, pray.  

    The one good thing about churches is that you have a collection of people, and intention and goodwill.  That can be powerful and very meaningful.  But yes, your time by the beach is more sacred than in any church.  Enjoy!  

  7. "The Church" is the body of Christ, those born again believers who have placed their trust in Him, His people not the buildings. When He returns He will gather those found in Him (the church), to Himself. We should expect that sometimes will have days like yours (and worse) but we should never forget that we are 'one' in Christ and that we are called in addition to what ever else, to be members of that same body, each with our part to play, and who knows Dude, that may well involve surfing. As for the building, well physical places have always had a part to play also.

  8. God, and the idea of God can and will always be found in nature

  9. You can tallk to God from a surfbourd if your one in a billion God might answer directly

    If your like most people God will speak to you though people who love you.The Holy spirit,

    So do the people in your church worship God the son and the holy spirit

    Or do they worship the bible.

    If they are idoloters and worship a book they will tell you that it must happen in church and you will burn in h**l  you would rather be alone,

    If they are full of the holy spirit they would  help you wax that board and tell you to worship God. then YOU would want to be with them TO do Gods work because it should be filling you with the Holy spirit that Jesus gave us,

  10. Speaking in the line of Christianity, if God created everything, then why can't you do your service on the beach? That's His too, isn't it?

    I can do my service anywhere I choose - that's the beauty of Buddhism :-)

  11. God's house is no longer a physical building. It is in the heart of every born again believer. Even at the beach. The beach is where I go to be inspired and write beautiful lyrics and music tho. Gotta be a God thing...

  12. It's not just "going to church" that important, it's the getting together with other Christians and learning about Jesus and the Bible that is the reason to go to Church, not just to have a good time.

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