
Is the best way to deal with suicide cowards like hitler, do what mel brooks did and make him look stupid.....

by Guest56723  |  earlier

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springtime for hitler lmao




  1. think before u speak suicide is not the cowards way out suicide takes a lot of courage

  2. Love Mel Brooks

    but nothing to do with a serious Hitler comment

  3. Please see the German movie "Downfall" and you decide.

    Hitler was not a coward as he won the Iron Cross in WW I

    Hitler lasted 12 years as the greatest white supremacist the world will even know and we should learn from Hitler and not dismiss him as any kind of a fool.

    Hitler was told that his appearance was comical (mustache()

    but he said "let them laugh as they won't see me coming"

    Mel Brooks made money off of Hitler so he is just another Jewish person who panders to the n**i Myths

    If you were surrounded by Russians who were insane with revenge..would you not want to oft yourself? I know I would

  4. No.

    Suicide is no laughing matter!

  5. hitler may have been evil but he wont no coward

  6. Hitler was a decorated war hero in World War One, so it's a little unclear why you are referring to him as a "coward." The suicide part is even more unclear, what does that mean? Hitler was also a rather unique historical figure in several ways, it's very unusual for people like him to rise to power, so again, I am a little unclear on what people you are referring too? Saddam was nothing like Hitler for example, Ahmadinejad even less so. Politicians claiming so and so is "another Hitler" is propaganda, so when people claim someone is another Hitler it's a good bet they are trying to put something over on you. Pol Pot is probably the closest the post war era has seen to another Hitler, and even then he was no danger to anyone outside of Cambodia.

    To answer your question, no, humiliating people enrages them. How does enraging someone help any sort of situation?

  7. anyone who commits suicide is in fact a coward


    i would rather be murdered in cold blood, fighting to the very last breath than to take my own life,  

    jim g  sorry i have only one user name,  

    suicide = chicken S**t

  8. I presume yours is a typical jew question?

    Only someone uninformed about history would ask this question or a jew?

    Did you know that hundreds of jews killed themselves at Masada when the Roman army threatened to overrun them? Were they cowards?

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