
Is the bible boring?

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How come so few people have actually read it?




  1. OH MY GOODNESS! The Bible is the living breathing word of God,and the stories mirror the history of society. There are lesson in there that apply to today! It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Murder. Intrigue. Mystery. s*x. Complete and total destruction of the world. Resurrection.  Yep, real boring....

    A great read, no matter how you feel about what it says.  Read it, you'll be surprised at how cool a book it is.

  3. because it is fiction, and some Christians are afraid to read it because they fear to stop believing..

  4. The bible is the best selling book (over 1 billion copies sold).  Even If a small percentage of those sold actually read it (say 500,000, that is .05%) that is more than a "few people"...

    However, to answer you question though, no, the bible is not boring.  The bible contains the words of life itself!

  5. I wouldn't call it boring.......not really.

    Personally, I prefer the New is not near as full of some of those names that are about a foot long in the Old Testament.  It is also where a person can meet Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Saviour................which is the most important decision anyone will ever make in their lifetime, my friend..............

    What I like about the Old Testament is the different 'stories' that I learned in Sunday School when I was a little girl.............those are totally awesome...............

    The Bible can be 'boring' or something a person has to 'make' themselves actually takes devotion on the part of a Christian to keep reading the Bible as an important aspect of their life................

    God Bless................

  6. its  not boring and I have read it many times  as I am sure have  many others.

  7. People want to be entertained; they probably don't think reading is entertaining.

  8. Its way to long, way to contradicting and is just plain ******* retarded. . .whales eating people. . .the evils of shell fish. . .


    (I struggled through it twice, as a form of self-punishment.)

  10. Funny how so many people have a bible, but so few read it.

    Probably because they just get caught up with going through the motions with church and everything and never sit down and start reading by themselves.

  11. It depends on how you read it.

    If you read it knowing that your Heavenly Father the Creator of all things inspired men through the Holy Spirit to write such happenings, then you will read it as the most marvelous book ever written.  

    To fully understand such a book, "the Word of God"  you need someone filled with the Holy Spirit to explain it to you.

    You need the Spirit of God in you to understand it completely.

  12. Why do you think only few have read it? It's not true. Maybe in the group you know specifically. Try to get an easier version of the Bible which you can understand. Like a Life Application Bible in the NIV (New International Version) or NKJV (New King James Version). But to say so people have actually read it is untrue. It is read everyday by millions of people all over the world.

    It is not boring at all if you love God and believe in Jesus Christ. I read it every single day. It may have been written long ago, but the Holy Spirit guides me to areas of the Bible that help me through a problem or difficulty I face at different times in my life. And even when I'm not going through difficulties, the Bible is an encouragement to me daily. It's a time of the day I look forward to.

  13. Not particularly boring, although as fairy tales go, Grimms Fairy tales have clearer moral messges--bout the same amount of death and violence--I'd give it say a 4 on a scale of 10

  14. It depends on how connected you are with God. Nothings boring if you try to do scripture study and connect the dots.(What's so boring about the past?) Don't you want to know your genealogy? We're all about the scriptures -

  15. I consider it extraordinarily boring.

  16. Yes it is, but i have read it...

  17. If you find it boring, you might need a more modern translation. I love the KJV, but I also love Shakespeare.  

  18. It is read everyday by millions of people. EVERYDAY.

  19. No   the  BIBLE    is   very  exciting.There  are  all  kinds  of  stories.From    love  to  action  and  still  many  others.Its   a   book  of  great  wisdom   and  understanding.It    is  the  best  guide  book   for  living  a  fulfilled  life.The   BIBLES  answers  are  more  than  sufficient   to  meet  the  needs  of  any  situation.Its  the  only  perfect  book  I  know  of.There  is  nothing  boring  about  it.   THANK  YOU  D'S

  20. Some parts are definitely boring (Genesis 6 comes to mind).  Other parts are aren't.  "Revelation" is pretty neat, in a twisted Clive Barker sort of way.

  21. It does go on a bit.

  22. What - boring - never.

    You have fairy tales, p**n, violence, love, hate etc. all wrapped up in one book.

    The reason why most do not read it is because they are sponge-bobs

  23. I don't think it's boring at all. I find it very interesting.

  24. Not at all !

    I think it's fascinating !

  25. It is so incoherent and full of contradictions. I have read it and I am actually rereading it.

    Deist (former Catholic)

  26. Nope... it's filled with murder, incest, more murder, slavery, injustice toward plenty of women... then the uncharacteristically loving teachings of Jesus.

  27. Because if you're connected to god, you don't need to read his manual - it's imprinted in your heart.

    In answer to your title question: no, I don't think it's boring. I think it's BS ... but entertaining and engaging BS.

  28. Reading Bible can be a great difficult for some of us. The more you read it and ask for God help to see u though it. You will know that everything about this world is mention in it. Ask God to open your eyes and see what this life is all about.
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